Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 17 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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THK Provisioūal Go?ement i OFFICIAL UST 0F MEMBERS A\D LOCATION 0F BUREiUS. i Execvtive Cocxcil. S. B, Do!e, Prv»i(!«nt the Prorl»irm»t Gorem ment of :h« Ts;«:’.d<, «u<I SllnUtor of Forelen A!T*ir*. J. A. Kine. Mtnistor of the Interior. S. M. Damon, MinUter of Finmuv. 'V, o. Sm1tb. Attorney-0«BenL Advisory Cocncil. " - C. wtlclt>r, Vice-Pres1tlent of the Prf>vlsloiuU Goveruracnt of the Uawaiiau Islantls C. BoIte, Cecil Brown. John Nott, John Ena. Jaracs F. Monran, Ed.S hr. Joe. P. Memlonea. eha*. T. Rodgers, eonneila. Jobn Emmelnih. E. D. Ttnnev, W. F. AHeh, Heurv Walerhouse. A. Younir. F, II. Haleh, S«retary Ex. aad Atlv. Stprrmk Cocrt. Hon. A. F. Jndd, Chlrf Iu«tiec. Hon. R. F. Biekerton, Flrst AsK>clatc Ju«!lce. Hon. W. F. Frc*ir. Seeond Ass«.K’iate Justlcc. Hcnrv Smith, Chief Clerk. Geo. t,nc- s, Deuuty Clerk. G. F. Pctersou,Sce m«l Deputy Clerk. J. Walter Joues. Stenograpber. CiRcrrr Jcdges. First Circutt: }{ Oahu Second Clrcuit: (Maul) A. N. Kepolkai. Th>rdand Fourth Clrcnita: (Hawall)S. I»Au-tln Fl(th Circuit: (Kauai) J. Hardy. Officc* and Court-roorn in Court Honse. King street. Sltting In Hinolulu—The ftrst Moud<y in February, Mav, August and Xcvcmber. Departwkst of Fork:os Afpairs. Officein CapitoI Bul1di-ig. Klng »treet. Hl» Exeellcncy 8uuford B. Do;e, Miulster of Eoreigu Atf«irs. Oeo. C. Potter. Seoretsry. W. Horace Wrtgrht, Lioiie! Hart, Clerk*. Dkpaktmkxtof lNTF.R!OB Officc in Executlve Baiiding, Klng «treet. Hl« Excelleney J. A. King,M!ni«ter of Interlor. ehiel CIerK, Johu A. Hass nger. Asslsta.1t Clerk»; James H. Boyd, M. K. Keohokalole. Slepben Mahaulu, <;cor*c C. Koe», Edward 8. Boyd, ''-BCRKAC of Aoriccltcrk asd Fukk.«try. Pre*!dent: Hl» E*cellency the Mini«tcr of Jntertor. Wm. G lrw'in, AlUn Herliert. John Ena. Joaeph Xarsdcn, CommL«sloner and Secretar>". Chikfs of Bcrkac», Ixtkriok Dkpartmknt. Snrveyor-GeneraI, W. D. A’ex»ndcr. Snpt. Pubte Work*. W. E. Koneli. Supt, Watcr Works, Andrew Brown. Iu»peetor, Elcctric Lights, John C«aaidy. Kegistrar of C mveyance», T. G. Thrum’ Road Snpervisor. H moluin, W. II. Cummlig«. Chief Engineer Fire Dept.. Jas. II. Hunt. 8npt. Insaue Asytnm, Dr. A. McWayne. I>EPARTMKNT OF ElNANi K. Offlce, Ezecntive BuiUUog, Klng »treet, Minister o( Fin»ucc, HU Kxeelleney S. M. Oamou. Auditor-Gener»l, George J. R>w. Rcgl»tr«rof Aecounts. W. G. A»hley. C!erk of Pinanee Office. E, A, Melnerny. Colieetor-General o( Cu»tom, Ja». B. Castle. Tax A.wwor, o*hu, Jm», Sn«w. Deputy Tax Awoa»or. W. C. Weelon. P>jstma»ter General. J. Mort 0«t, Cc«roK8 BraxAr. Office, Costom Hou««. E»pUnade. Port «treet. Coiieetor-Genertl, J«*. B, Caetle. Depal)r-CoierMP P. B. McStneker. H»rN>r<»a»ter. Captatn A. Puller. Port Surveyor. M. N S*nder». Storekecp-.r, G«orge C. 8tr»teoieyer. Dkpaktmcnt or Attoknkt Oknkkal. Offlce la Executive RoUdlng. Kiog «treet. Attomer-Geoei*L W. O. 8milb. Deputy Attoraey.Geaeral. O. K. WUdrr. Oert, J. M. Kea. Marshai. K. G. HUeheoek. Cterfc u> M«rsbal. H. M. Dow. Depaty Maohal, Arthnr M. Brown. JaUor Oahu PHmni. J, A. Low. Pri*>n Phy«ci*a. Dr. C. B- Cooper. Boakd or Imx:cbatios. lh--»idenC H!» Eirellency J. A. KUg. Memhrr o(the Hoani oi InowniiM; Uon. J. B. Atbertoo. Ju. B. CaaGe. Hon. A. 8. Clegb ,rn, Jaaes G. Speo«cr. Mark P. BUte«3eer»Urj, W»*y Taytoc. Boaxs op Hiun. oaeeln nw;ii4»of Cmtrt Bom BuUdtog. rarner <M Mllilaai sad Queen «Cr«eU. Memhen: Dr. Day. Dv Jflrt»r. Dr. Aadrevs. J. T. Watertooae Jr . Joha Eaa. TWa P. UaM»| aad AIMnwMinwni ~mllh. Pie»:dem—Hfm W O Smtth. Sretet*rjr—Cfca*. Wtleox. ExeeeUre OHwM;. » KemoH-. Ia»pertor and Garta«« ftrmce— L. L Lm n«rre. Inapeelee—U. W. C. Jooe*. Port IkpMa», Dt. O. B. laimn. Mpmn, Dr. H. V. imnL UpoeRKM.l»wdt > Pr. B. K. Oitm. Boak» <m Epeeano*. Cooxt Hooae B«Bdtag. Kiag «r*e«. PnoKUl. **oo e. E. HMiop. if»rrrtary, W. iaioaa HmUh liwpoea.Vol «eheoU, A. T„ Atkfw. CoCK». Putk» A. O. M.