Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 17 January 1894 — THE HOUSE OF SEVER. [ARTICLE]

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" " The bosje oi never ss baiit lbev j»y, ■; Ju»t over the hill* vif the by.«ad.by. , Ito gates *re re*ehed by x derioa» w«y Ht<i(len (rv'tu «U bat u m. It *in<b «boat «lul tn t&J oul The hilto «nd dtl«i to »rer; Ooee oT«r tbe hilL» o( the by-«ad-br And you «re Jo«t m the hoa» o# ner«. The honse o( ner*r ū filled with w«iths. 'Vith jast-in-A-misnte« «nd pretly «»)*»; The noise «>( their wings «$ the bc*t tbe gAteg OoiueM b«ck to e*rth in the «fteratvtu, When sh«ik<Tr» fly «cross the sky And rash — rade ende«Tar— To qaestion the hills o i ihe by-*nd-by Ak they «sk fyr the hoase o( nevcr. The hoase of never was bmlt witb tc«r» And loet in th« hilU of ihe by-«nd-by Are « miUion hope« «nd « miilion fe«r». A babr’s *milo «nd « woman'e crv; Tbe windiugw*y »eems bhght to-d*v. • Then d*rknt-ss f«IU forever, For over Uie hills of the by-«nd-by Sorrow w«lts in th« hoaee of nevcr.