Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 17 January 1894 — Soutb Ameiiean P. G.’s [ARTICLE]

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Soutb Ameiiean P. G.’s

Lima, Porn, Aag. 23.—Therb | was a stormy session Monday i nigbt in tbeChamberof Deputios. j Members of the Cabinet were i asked to explain the nnmerons ; violations of the Constitntiou by i the sappression of newspapers. , Their explanation was not satisfactorv. Depnty Cornejo, upon learning that Dr. Berraga, editor of La Tundas, bad again been arrested, asked the Ministers if the people were living in Pera or Turkey. The session was continaed yesterday and was attended by many stormy scenes and large cro\vds attended the session of the i Chamber of Deputies. So mueh confusion was caused bv the actions of members of the I Cacerist Club that spectators weie ordered to retire and the i remainder of tbe session was held behind closed doors. It is probable that tbe members o( the Cabinet will resign. YaIparaiso, Aug. 23. Adispatch from Corrientes, Argentina, says that Govenor Buiz and all his followers bave fled frora the city. The revolutionists have occupied it. There has been no trouble. It is feared that a revolution will be started in the State of Entre Rios. Argentina, becanse the Governor has suppressed the Aviigo del Puehlo, a newspaper whieh criticised his actions.