Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 17 January 1894 — How Marble is Made. [ARTICLE]

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How Marble is Made.

The manafacture o! marble is osaallv )e!t io natare, and human | » beiags Uave no reason to be dia- | satisfied wiih the resnlis o! this t arrangement but ihe enthosi&sm r o! the modern seientist Ieads him i to oontinoally oompeie with naI tnral foroes, o!ten wiih eneeeae. * The ialest achievement of [ aeieaoe is ihe srtificial prodne- » tkm oi msrble from pnre carbon- * ate. * H. Lo Chaielier, a French I ohemial, takes the ealoinm ia the t lorm of sn impalpahle powder, and i oompiewea U by a sieel eyliad- . heiweea Iwo pieioaa, wilh

• pnwan of 100 poands to tfae sqaare ineh. While in tbb eondition a pUniinm spirad. proTĪoasly imbedded in tbe powder. is heated by sn electric cam?nt. with the resnlt ihai the powder in the neīghborbood of the wize was readered crystalline and translncent Scctions of the resalting sabst«nce when examined nnderneath a microscope exhibiied the characteristics of certain specimens of slight’y mottled marble. Tbis remarkable work of the electric carrent may prore the stepping ' stone to greater achievements in | the production of artificial stone of all kinds. Xetv Tork AJiyrtiser.