Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 17 January 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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All Nature is 8ruiling to-day at the Naiional! ho!iday. The brigautiue W. G. lrwin, saile<l for the Coast this morning uml took a inail. Not a hoom was heanl from the war »hips in port, in recoguition of tho P. O. Holiday. No tiok to that Knwaiahao chnrch elook yot. No returns from the '*charitv concert' either. Tho nshers at the reception to-day performe<l their duties as if thoy had trod the Palaee halls before. The name "Kalakaua" omameuts one of the cngines in the power lior.se of the Hawaiian Eleciric Light Co. P. G. opinion is now changing around in favor of Col Blonnt siuce tho production of Mr. Aleiauder’s contributions. The sharpshooters occupied varions vautage points in and 1 abont the Palaee dnriug tbe reeeplion to-day. "Stabie” gorerumenf. Tho new Surgeon of the army, with the r*nk of eapkain, looked | as though he desired an ambulauee during ihe march of ihe troops, to day. Mr. A. S. Hartwell is reported to Lave beeu soccessful in withdrawing a charge from a loeal guu. The uaual (eee were eharged for aen ieea rendered. Mauy aehool ehildren appeared at their aehoot-rooms .o day believing ih«t aehool *'kept.” No noiioe was givon lbrough ihe Board of £ducation that the day wa» to be a aehool holiday.

... v The Maiiha Dtns bas arrived from Bostoa. Tbe Councils vill meet tomoirov afternoon and consider the instructions. said to be, for- | varded br their ruasters. The St Loais lodging boose, | on Kamakela street has been | latelv renovated and Hany Lnn- j ning the proprietor offere farai»herl rooms at ven* low rates. The "‘Maai Girl, ’ and other | native songs, are now in coaree of preparation by tbe Qaintette { Clnb for prcseutation at a pahlie | concert to be held in the near | fatnre. —- There is a ‘‘great . kiek amongst the Secret Leagap folIowers becaose Mr. and Mrs. Dole did not sbake hands with them to-day. One of tbe largest Aicerican flags ever hoisted in the countiy, now droops upon tbe unpaid for pole of the Secret League. It was hoisted with polyglot cereraonies this rnorning. The flag droops in conseqnenco. The snrroundings at Sans Soaci are sucb, at present, th.it it is a i most ploasant plaee for ladies and geutlemcn to visit. The \ company to be found there is 1 most agreeable, thoscenery inter- | esting and the air refreshing. The reception at the Executive building was well attended: Mr. and Mrs. Dole, Mr. and Mrs. 1 King, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wild-! er aud Mr. and Mrs. Smith received. No foreign oll\cials nor man-of-war oflicers were present, except i n cog. The voluntoer portion of the troops whieh appeared in tbe procession to-day acquittedthemselves well in the marcb if not ia the manual. Capt. Ziegler’s, company tramped like veterans and presented a soldierly bearing Capt. Camans comp»ny of Portuguese marched well, better than the highly paid and fed regulars. ■ 1 * — 7 • To-day, in accordance with previous notice the Executive have seen fit to pardon one mau imprisoned for assault with intent to kill, another iraprisoned for murder and yet a third also snfferiug (?) pnuishment foratterapted murder. These three men were to day permitted to enjoy their liberty. Their naraes are withheld for the present in a desire not to injure their new characters.