Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 16 January 1894 — United States Diplomacy. [ARTICLE]
United States Diplomacy.
The action of President Cleve- i land in regard to Hawaii will j certainly have the effect of se- j caring for his admini8tration the respect of all foreign powers, whether, or uot, hia policy is favorably received in the United States. Under the late James H. Blaines administration of foreign aff»irs the 8Ute department seemed anxious to pose as a great big “bully” who stalks about wiih a ehip on hisshonIder and msists upon picking qaarrels with all his weaker neighbors. j No naiion was ever more cordially hated and despised than ihe United States has been by its weaker neigbbor, simpiy because of the coarse manuers in vogae I in the State department under I repoblican goveruments and too | (requently affected by its representatives īn the central and soathern states.The great European naiiona have learned by bitter experience tbe advisabiiity of dealing courteonsly wilh foreign powem, They have been so freqnentiy *‘whipped into ahape’* doring the past six centaries, that they are not wanting in appreeiaiion ol tbe valoe of good manners. II the Unitod States ia io pom as one of ‘*the great powen,” it ean only keep ont of hot water by caltivatiog good mannen and organising a irained dipiomatio