Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 16 January 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Farmshed Cottage TO LET A0OMPLE1 ELV FTKNI8UED COTTAGE on Liliha St. opposite Kaakini St five minutes walk from Tram Cars, couUining Pariur, 2 bedrooms, dining loom, p«ntrr, kilehen and bathroom with pot-water-cioset, etc. Soid premiscs will be let to a moderate Rntel. Poaeenmon given immediktely, »pply at THIS OFFICL. Jan 8—tf. POCND MASTER’S NOTICE. Notice is heraby giren to ail per»ons, that there is at tbe Gorernmeut Pound at Makiki, I aonel til!y. hrand (75» inieaerifaābU. Any pewon or peiwona ownine this hone are raqaest«d to eome asd teke tbe same on or befon 12 o’eioek noon of 8ATCRDAY, Jan. 27. 1894. JAMES KUKONA, Pound Ma»ter. Makiki, Jao. 8, 1894. The Yokoba Eazaar. Co8NKR Nuuanu and Hotel St*. HAS JUST APPROPBIATED A SOTtitJ COQ*l«t)Qg of a • Magic Poekei Knife. This kaiie «nnUiae W<fes the omal hiade% • gteas-cjuer that «ill cat ea*ier thas • dfaUBQBd 20,000 feet of gtass, it will aiw be f >cad uaelol fcr a pacer oatMn ouUw: it hae slso • heilaaee tktt wiH wēth op to 19 !b«. TBX8 VA8 TH£ GR£aTEST SCCCKS8 OF TH£ WoBLD‘S FAiR. Ww haw* <Mdw • ti'Btted aamber. Tha inTuatorkm kiadJy aft«d his aerrkea by Aww||tte penUwī thv vay <4 8ATCBDAT JAS. «h. PRICF. OSLT