Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 16 Ianuali 1894 — LOOAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
Ta-ra-ra noboom; wbat do yon say! The Tbistle Club bad a meetiug at its ball last eveniup. Tbe Iwalani sailed at 3 o’eloek, tbis p. m. for Kauai ports. Tho stoamer C. R. BisLop is billed to sa 1 at 4 p. m. for Kauai ports. Wierd sonnds are yet beard from tbe sorroundings of tbo Volcano Honse. The retort courtoous. "Step t iou'H Mr. Dole.” Ahem! step out Mr. Willis. Statu quo. Mr. J. G. Silva has been eleotod prosident of Iha Portupuese Mutuai Bonefit Societv. Dr. Beckwith wtis the recipient of a roception, at tbe Ceutral Uuion Church, last eveuiug, and also an $800 eheek. “V«llalta,” the name of the lately arrived barque from Liverpool, is from a sm«ll town in one of tbo Sardinian statos. Capt. Davies of tbe schooner Makimahi celebrated the poleraisinp at the Leapue premises to-day by plaeiup tbe Amorican flag at the maintop-mast head of his schoonor. The Fereira whocommitted the brutal asaault on a fellow Portuguese is still in jail, aud unbaiiable. His victim is ia ihe Hospital. in a daugeroos eonUition. WUliam Wagener is th« Kucceasful bidder on improvemoui lo be made on (he residence of Mr. C. X. Peaooek. at Wāikiki, from plana and specificatioa made by Mr. C. B. Bipley. Tlie contract price for tbe job ia, §aid to be, nearly $5.000.
j Tbe W. G. Ir*in left tbis \ afternoon for Sao Francisco carrying a mail. I Tbere is no known reason why | tbe Holomua shoald not be pob- I lisbed io-morrow, at 4 p. m. — Not a boom will be heard from the war-sbips in port to annonnee any Nalional hol id«y, to-morrow. Oh! for a Rassian for a P. G. salute, and for a Kusb, or a Gorwin for a salute from the people. ' Tbe Holomua may fornish a fnll list of those who did not eall | | on ‘King ’ Dole at his reception \ ' to-morrow. — Don’t forget the fact that tbe Misses ASbn do not Ieave nntil Feb. 3rd. Another conoert on the 27th inst Gentlemen of the Leagne, do not forget that it is morning! dress (without crepo) to-morrow at the palaee reception. The Mokolii will take her : nsual Molokai trip this afternoon. It is expected that anotber detachment of lepers will be forwarded by her to the settlement. A subject matter of mueh interest to the Board of Health, unless they abate a certain nuisance on Fort street opposite Brun’s cooperage, will appear in the Holomua to-morrow evening. In Clans Spreckels vs. Geo. W. Macfarlane, bill to foreclose lien, F. M. Hatch has filed asubstitution of Chas. Creighton for himsel, as counsel for plaiutiff during his absence. The steamer Kinau went on her usual Volcauo, auel way stations. route, at 2 o’eloek this afternoon. The Misses Albu had inteuded to be passengers, but indisposition ou the part of Miss Rose, precluded b»king passage. The flagpole raising at the Secret League hoadquartors was successfully occomplished this noon uuder the direction and superinteudence of Mr. Jos. Kela an Hawaiian employed in the maohine shop of tho Houolulu lron Works. The schooner Mahimahi under the directions of Capt. Wm. Davies will run regularly botween this port and Waialua, Kawai hapai, Mokuleia, Keaweuui and Kuiki on the lslaud of Oahu. For freight eto. applicatious should be made, to Capt. Davies, fouud at the blacksmith-shop of Wright brothers on Fort Street whore iu case of his absence orders eau be left. Theosophy is rapidly growing all over the world aud is even gaining uumerous adherents in Uouoluln. A special Library from whieh books on theosophieal scieuco aud fictiou will be lent to responsible parti«s has been oj>eued in the Foster Block, on Nuuauu street, above Love joy’s store. The Library will be opeued from 2 to 4 p. m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat«rdays of eaeh week. There are already numerous applications for books. The prospocts presented of a better code in the morals of the members of the Secret Leagne by tbe raisiug of the embellished Star over their plaee of meetiug is suggested by the insiguia re ! semb.iug that made so famous by the action aud saying of Heury the VIII. and that, that Star, like ihe famous garter may lead their thonghts to better things above. The Hawaiian “lei girls” great people in themselves. happy-go iucky, eto, etc, celebrated the formation of their iudependence ! «s a body by driving aronnd i town to-day in many gaiiy dressed obariots. A luau is aome aeoluded spqt will oloae the day’s festlvities, - ’ ■■ —~~ A somewbat pecaliar ease waa yesterday before Jndge Cooper and haa attracted conaiderablen attention from inre<ftors. Tbe | eaae is that of R A. Joaee, as- ! aignee of 6. K. Norton, vn. | £liaab«th K- Norton, bill to aet aside a deed. whioh tbe Supre*e | Coort remanded fur trial on the i meriU. A decision ie waited for I witb iuterc»*..