Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 16 January 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BY SPECIAL AUTHORITY! K'oi’ei"!! OfB.ce i^otice The President and Mrs. Dole will hold a reception in the Cooneil Chamber of the Execntive : Building. on Wednesdav, January 17th, at 11 o’eloek A. M. ! The pnhlie are invited to attend. j Morning dress. GEO. C. POTTER, Secretary and A. D. C. ian 15-2ts NOTICE. Mr. J. W. Lcnino is now the Advertising Agent and Solicitcr for the Hawaii Holomua. His ! receipt will be henceforward i sufficient for any snras owing to our paper. WS. DAYES, B1GGER : iSD : STEVEDORE ESTIMATES AND CONTRACTS ON ALL KINDS oF WOBK. OmoE: With Wright Bros.. : Fort Street. dec 16-tf plaMonal Ipon Wop^ Qceen Street, Between Alakea & Richard Sts. THE UNDEESIGNED are prepared to make nll kinds of Iron Brass, Broaze, Zinc, Tin and Lead Castings, Al«» n Oeneml Eepair 8hop for 8team Engines, Rioe MiIU, Corn Mdls, W*ter Wbeels, Wind Uill», etc. Haehinea for the Cleaning of Coffee, C«etor Oila, B«ans, Eamie, 8isal, Pineapple Leaves 4 other Fibrons Planla, And Paper 8tock. Also Maehinea for Extracting Starch trom th« Uanioe, Arrov Boot, eto. AU Orders promptly attended to. WHITE, RITMAN <a CO. WO GHAN & Co. Merchant Tailor King 8treet.!Thoma 8 ’ Block, next door to Holomoa office. All Suits Quaranteed to Flt, and IN THE LATEST STYLE. Clothes 01eaned and Bepaired. no27