Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 15 January 1894 — A DOLEPUL FEAST. [ARTICLE]

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A Repetition of History. The nmluitfht hour was Jr»wing on, Kluaheii iu npoM Iay Honolulu; Bnt iu the |va!aoe o( th« kiug, The herd o( s»'Miors #hout ar.il sing There iu the royal jvUaoe’« banqnet hall Kiug Dolo holds (orth high (o«tiv«l. The aoldiers »it iu ghtt«riug rowg. Tho haakoni are <.hr»in«d, the red wino flow»; The l>e«kon> elaah aad the sald*ers sing A pleasing couud to tho mocKly king. tviug Dole’s oheoks tlush aud his wild eyea ahiue, Hia s|urit uow waxee bold with wino; l'uUl by maddouing paaaion «tnug, lle fl' at CloTelaud!!! with impioua tongne; And his poor ho*rt swoll« as ho wildly rares Mtd shonts o( applauae (rom hia (awning ala^oa. Ue apoke the word and hts eves flnshēd Aamel The r»vady sorvanl» weut and oame; \*oasola o( maa»ivc gold lhey bore, Oi Liliu’a property, the pluudorod sto:e. Tb«u *eizmg a oonseoratod eup, Tho kiug in hia (ury ālls it np; He ūlls, and haatily draina it dry; From hi» (oamiug lip le*i»i (orth the crr, •*Clev«! aud Liliu! to you my scorn I flmg! 1 am tho Dole, tho P. O’». kiog. ” Tet mtn had lbe impioas worda be«u said Wh«n ihe Kiug’a hoart shrauk with socret dra*d. Sudilou!y died tho ah >n« *ud y«U— A d«*th-lik« huah ou tho tumnlt («U. Aud soo! *ud se«! ou tho white waU high. The (onn oi * band weut ak>wly by, Aud wrote —aud wro«e m *ight o( aU — Leuen ol Fire upon ihe waU! Kmg Dule *at sull with a stony look; Hts Uotubliug kn««s with tenor ahook; Tho meuial tlm>ug nor apoke nor atin«d; Fear (K>*e thrir blood—ao «oand waa h«*rd. 8ereao’« k*hunaa c*m«, bat ujq« ol «U, Could re*d the « nung on the waiL Al Uagth to «olve thow w\ rd* o( fiaxao. F*arle*s. but meek. Paul Ihe pr»pbet, o*me; One gii-.no* he g»T*. *nd all wa» cl**r! ‘*Kiug Dvd«, tb«re t« w*ou iu tky («*r! Tho*« worda proel*»m thy empūe ead*— The d*y o( wo« *ud wnUh impeuia; VT«tgh»J iu th« halane* w*ntiug (ouad, Thou *ud thy Kmpin» «mk« tb« grouml!’' Yoixii Hawaii.

I I I ■■ ■ Wult«r ik’uanl is right iu des- , cribing Aicericun people m a ‘ nalīou of ulnmtaere. We ulaui | doors cverywhere, and we alam our pubiic men au do no other peuple on earth.