Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 15 Ianuali 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
k t i l«w »: tho#e P. Q. 9oW»«« ; Stu>ding »t tb«r posts. ► | Same an robnst looking . t vnūl'st others look Kke gho«ts. The« are nK>re th.t look like spnnten, I And oth«s rea«nble pog s. Bit, onr Uw-«hiding «tirens ► ‘ Are dred ol those MngV i There &re more that do retneniber i ; They hare serred a tenn in jnil. Ia the ouU month of December When no one woald go their bail. ’ There *re more th*t were beach-combe« ’ Jast recentiy. this F*U, i Bct now they’Te struck the racket . That saits them, one and all. The bnms h»ve fallea in the ranks And gave the streets * spell, j Whil'st some have a*id since lhey h*ve jolned They’d sooner be ia—well. The scrabs from foreign oonntriee Have docked in here like hee’e. Thoee are the chtss of people That nphold the great P. G’s. II mnst inform thia OoTerument And tell them one and »11, That we that *re bred and bom here Have got no show at ail, They snpport those bnms aad loafers that make up Tim’s secret clique, But Congress now will eoon decide And make the P. G’s. aiek The Dutch elaim that the Irish ; ! Are nothiug eise but cranks, Whil’st some of Capt*in Charlie’s corp« D- cl*re that they are “Yanks.” The Germaus too have formed a League And say, they ’ll make it peer, I gness they will, the 17th, With kegs of Lager Beer. The Portugnese will form a leagae And won‘t be in the lnrch, Still they know they’re doing wrong : Aud yet they go to Chnrch, The scrubs frbm foreigu couutriea Are swarming in like bee’s What aa intelligent class of hoo-doo's Uphold the great P. G’s. The time is drawing to a clo»e When politics will boom, And we that have beeu cheated . Our rights we will resume. We then will drink a hearty toaa t In honor of our home And onee more be nnited When Liliu takes her Throne. Clevelaxd Dexochat. (Boston papers ple*se copy).
wn. DAVES, i l I . > I . 1 II i ) $ ) ) 1 1 5 L t } l l l l [ . 1-. I 1 t , ; 1 ) » 1 E1GGEE : and : STEVEDORE E8TIMATES AN'D CONTRACTS ON ALL KINDS OF WORK. Office: With Wright Bros., : Fort Street. dec 16-tf Charles Hawkins, ROYAL HAWAIIAN HOTEL, Has taken chargo of the business of Gcs. A. Macer, during his absence to the Ooast. Tonsorial Artists. Ladies’ Shampooing a Specialty. jan 9-lw plational Ipon Woi'lp Qceen Street, Between Alakea & Richard Sts. THE UNDEKSIGNED are prepared to I ■ make nll kiniU of Iron Brass, Bronxe, Zinc, Tin and Lead Castings. g General Repair Shop for Steam Engines, Eiee Milla, Corn MilU, W»ter Wheek, Wind Milla, etc. Machines for the Cleaning of Coffee, Caetor Oils, Beans, Ilamie, Sisal, Pineapple Leaves i other Fit>ron» Plants, And Paper Stock. AJso Maehinea for Extracting 8tarch trom the Manioe. Arrow Root, etc. \3T AD Orders promptly attended to. WHITE, RITMAN (51 CO. WO GHAN & Co. Merchant Tailor King street, Thomas’ Block, next door to Holomua oihee. AH Sults Guaranteed to Fit, and IX THE LATEST STYLE. Clothes ;Cleaned and Repaired. no27