Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 15 Ianuali 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

BY SPECIAL AUTHORITY! lPorei.£m Offi.ce otice Tbe President and Mrs. D>le will hold a reception in the Conneil Chamber o{ the Execntive Bailding. on Wednesdav, January 17th, at 11 o’eloek A. -V. The pnhlio aro invited to attend. Morniug dress. GEO. C. POTTER, Secretary aud A. D. C. jan 15-2ts POUND MASTERS NOTICE. Notice is hwby giren to »11 persoca. UuU tbere h «t tho Qovenu&ent Poaud »t Makiki, I »orrel filly. branJ (79» mJesehhōUe. IAnr person or persoas ownina tkw horse are rvqneste«i to eome »nd Uke the sam« oe or befor« 1*2 o'eioek noou ot SATURDAY, Uan. 27. 1*M. JAH£S KUKONA, Ponnd Master. Makiki, T*n. 9, 1994. i The Yokohania Bmar. Ooilnek Nuoamu and Hotec Sts. HAS JCST APPR0PRIATED A noveltr cooei*tiag of * Maglc Pocket Knife. Thi* knife eoniun* b»r Aee the nsnal bl*dea. n 8hu>-mtter tha: «U1 rat ensi«r tb»o » diimooJ 20.000 feet of it wiil nUo be f «tnd a«efnl kr» p»per C«ttern nttrr; U h»9 nlm s b*Il»nre th»t «III «eieh »nvth np t> 12 lb«. TH3S WA» THd GREvTh:>T SCCCKSS 0F T3E WoRLD’S FAIR, Wo b»re oaly » li-nUeO uns»ber. Tl»a inventor h»a kintliy oC«-red hls knim bv sho«utg tbu |viirch*a**r5 the »»y of u*iag ihi» «oader!al kmie oo 8ATCRDAT JAN »3th. PRICE, 0NLY 80CESTS. &*4-2t