Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 15 Ianuali 1894 — The Average Life. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Average Life.

The annual morta!ity of the entire human race araounts, ronghly speaking, to 33.000,000 persons. This makes the average deaths per day over 91,000, being at the rate of 3730 an honr, or 62 ! people every rainuto of the day and night the year round. A fourth of the race die before completing their 8th year, and one-half before the end of the I l7thyear, but the average duration of life is about 38 years. Not more tban one person in 100, 000 lives to be 100, — Exchange.

Prof. St. George Mivaart’a work “Happiness in Hell,” whieh appeared originally in the nineteenth century, and whieh provoked a Iengthy controversy and a deluge of comment, has been pluced by the Vatican in thelndex Expurgatorius.