Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 15 Ianuali 1894 — A Close Call. [ARTICLE]
A Close Call.
I Mr3. T£illis the wife o( ihe A.merican MinUter had a narrow escape from injary Satnrday afternoon, the baggy in whieh 1 she was driring beicg rnn into by i drnnken haekman. Happily there was no 9erious resnlts ex- ‘ cept the damage to the baggy whieh had tbe hind axie bent i and a wheel disbed, The haek- . . man was &rrested on a cbarge of forioos driving and deposited; a bail of $25. He forfeited this bat was again arrested this morn* j | ing on a warrant issued by Judge Robertson. {