Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 13 January 1894 — A CRY FOR HELP. [ARTICLE]

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Wanted an Able, Indastrious Lobbyist.

The Siar is ag.»iu the object of our mo-t sinceie syn»patby. liNe eau hardlv restra;n onr tears when we listeu to the pitiful wiūue whieli goes forth froxu its columu>, because the Royalists have a ”str' ng lobby in M ashington, anJ tbe P. G. in spite of it' nuuierous anjbassadors have have noboJy who ean take up the fight for the Hawaiian oligarehv—beg panlon Jeraocracy as the pajK?rcallsour present regime. It is of course of uo use for us to proclaira that Messrs. Pirker auJ Peterson, whose inteutions we haj)pen to be iu a jiosition to kaow. have on!y g >ne to San l raucisco aud that the solo ol>ject of tliei** journey was to euJeavor to luake certaiu nogo- - tiatious whieh fiually woukl help to eutirely extricate Mr. Parker from his financial Jifliculties. lf they succeed both gentleraeu will return to Honolulu ou the 27th iust. per stearaer Australia. Mr. E. C. M«cfarlaue went to S in Fraucisco, because hisphysi eian strongly aJvi.seJ hiui to go. he having beeu sutfering from a very severe aiiaek of asthraa, aud hi yri])j* aud it has been ascer- | taineJ before that a chuuge of cliuiate is the best rerueJy to i relieve his suflering. Mr. Mae- j farlane’s poor health wouhl sirnply prevent him frora the expro- ! sure counected with a - across the Americau contiueut at this tiiuo of the year. Mr. AshforJ finally weut to Sau Fraucisco ou certaiu legal busiuesss whieh eouU uot verv well be trausacted through letters and he will return 1 bv the Ohina due here ou Feb. the 7th. Of course the Star is in u vory pessiraistic mood at jweseut aiui wo Jou’t expect that 1 the soothing syrup whieh we have endeavoreJ to aJrainister will have any effect wbatsoever. The nieJiciue whieh the ambitious Star editor Jesires is outlined by the following senteuce 1 iu the following “warning" ! editorial: “If there was ever the need of able exj>eri j enced iuJustrions j>oliticians at Washingtou in behaif of tho Hawaiian dernocraoy that needs exists now in a enpreme Jegree.“ | AnJ Cbristiau brethren doyoa • realize who the especiallv oWe, experienced anJ indu*trioua poliiieiau is whoni the editor of | the Star has iu view? It is the, not-to-be, Councillor Walter G. Siuith of Ooniell, Torapkius Connty, Ithaca, Sau Francisco, ; Lower Califoruia, and Honolulu. ■ Of course we all kuow that the ambitions gentleman was not in j ihe countni nhen the mohUion ■ took —but what of it? He has g«thered so inueh inforraation frora Or. McGrew anJ Mr. 1 LnimehUh. aiui the shopkeepers. anJ itera raakers around town that he actoally imagiaes that he was i here himself, aud feels perfeetly comj>eteut to tell the Seuate all about it. Let us hoj>e that | the Provisioual Government will | seo its w.»y to send Mr. Smith i a» euvoy (very) extraorJiuarv to I Mashington. aml we preJict that his oneraies iu tho Sau Fraueiaeo hra>Hiner or iu the Rochester will Jie with eut(o)v especiallv whou heshows Liraself in aii tho splendor whieh a Hawaiian Jiplomatic uuiloim I will cast over his rotouuJ form. How refresbiug to le«ru frora Ihe editor that the regular repre- ’ seuutive of the P. G. Mr. L A. Tfaurstou will hardly be pennii- • btf hū prit\iU hwnneoo lo stay in iha Auurk w» cd Ye Gotls «ud very sra«H fi»hes; * n J to that m«u Ihe taxp«yers pi»v ***** * y««r be«idee ineUenUU : and tr*velling expenses |

l*Ah ways. Mr. Hastiug-i who wa8 snipf>e*l to Washington, becanse he wa? snppos»*J at one time to have raixeJ drinks with some senator or |K>btician is passe*.l by as being of no cse whatever. Poor Alexander who has been lying himself black in the face to serve tbe Jesperate canse of the P. G. is told that he neither bv nature or inclination is a worker in the lobbv, and tberefore eaunol be JepenJed on while the genial Popeom who wcnt over to impeaeh CleveIanJ bas on!y reach ed Bostou at whieh plaee he was taken with eramp9 and lost «II . arabition to tell Gresbam about . Bunker Hiil or Cieveland about the ehoiee of Jones of “eitber ' Iiberty or Jeatb.” The ou!y hoj e left is tlie v;ituous aud houest Colunel ditig, but, says tfau .Star, what tfae Jence ean he Jo against the sng:tr trust? We ru!ght tell the Smith conje-lately that the j>eculiar fiuanciary tactics uf Colonel Zacharias are jnst snch as might gain him, the confiilence of the sugar trust, but if that eomhination leave their safes open. we Juubt very luueli that the gallant eolonel will luse mneh tirae iu fighting them,but rutber adopt his oU methods and get one more manuahi plantation. As a iuatter of fact bas it ever occurreJ to thenWf, experienced aiul industrious j)olitician who is endorsed # by the Star quartette of Jirectors that both the “powerfnl lobby” of loyali.sts as woll as Mr. Thnrstou and the able etc. polilieiau to be sent to Washington wouU arrive there raore thau oue Jay behind the fair. Our impresston—and the Star knows that Sereno Bi«hop says that we are remarkably we!l iuforraed—is, that the Hawaiian question is a thiug of the past as far as Cougress is concerned. The Deraocratic party votes in the Houso of Representativos, we : predict were soliJ as usual | anJ eudorseJ President Clevelaud—as usual. We also Jare ! to prophecy that bj' this time the miud of the American people aud the colurans of the Amei iean press are overful with the tar ; fi and nothing but the tarifl'. Tbe Hawaiian questiou has Jone very i well as a cause ou whieh the Republicau party eoukl make an : attack on tho Deraocrats, but, after all, tbe questiou was too uniraportaut to make it a ground for a Jecisive batt!e. The Hawaiian skirmish is over. The Republioan eifher retre vted or were routed after haviug fired out taeir guus, aiul let loosetheir stean3: the real battle will take | plaee on a Jifferent ground and that will be tbe tarifl'—a quostion whieh raises nuraerou3 poiuts of vital interest to the Araerican uation as . a whole. But, if our pre Jietious turn out rightly, or 1 wrongly, we believe, it the duty of the P. G. not to ueglect any opportnnity, and by shipping Mr. Walter G. Sraith to Washington auJ Iet hira dowu easy in the role of a special comraissioner the j>owers that be will make a great polilieal stroko aud relieve theraselves (anJ Era:ue!uth) of rauch pres«ut aunoyanco auJ uiueh future trouble. ■