Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 13 Ianuali 1894 — PHORCED PHORACING [ARTICLE]
Successful Raids by Gencral Scisscrs. The mo«t exp«nsive I.egislature in ihe world is that of France, whieh c-'?ts anmially £7*20,000. The Ilalian Panliamenl cos;? £m>,000 a year. All the (’hinamen in the United Sutes Citce fmm one of the eighleeu provinces of the Ctlestial Ecnpire— most of them t’rom one corner of that prov;nce. Assuming tho wor*ing age to be from twenty to aixty yean>. and counting only male workers, 440 »ns in this c»uutrt li\-e on the lah\ir of every I00 w«>rkers. The Russian citv of Baku, on the western coast of the C«spian Sea, is ca!Ied by the natives the “town of tire. It is the greatest lMtmleum center in the wor!d. The si»e upon whieh it is built —as. indetd, Ihe whole Caspian Sea—rests upon naphtha Edinburgh has 20,0«>4 cows. while Dublin coraes next with 11,000, and London stmds third with a populalion of 8,000. Oslrich eggs weigh 3lbor3$ib, and. though rather stroug when builed, make an excellent omelette —for a large family. The greatest depth in the Atlantic has heen found about 100 milea north cf the island of St. Thomas, wliere soundings of 3,875 fathoms \vere obtained. Country roads in China are never b*>unded by fences, but are entirely undefine«l. Waile the farmer has a r:ght to pl«»ugh up auy road passing through his farm, drivers of vehic!es have an equal right—and they exercise it—to traverse any part of the country al large. A f>reigu correspondent ealla atter.tion to the statistics <\f suicides in the Gerraan army as illustrating raore vividly than words e >uld the int')lerahle h»rror8 of the iron diseipline of German tuiliUrism. Slreet-cars conductors in Berlin have to work long f>»r very iiUle raoncy. They areon duty 18 hours a dav, and their d lilv p»v is about 2e 8d. Th«' Soltan of Torkey has 3 0 wiv s; the King <>f Dihomey, 250; the Snah of Porsia, 400; ihe King of S:am, 600; the King »f Ashantee. S,0u0; and tke E.;iperor f Morroco •b >ut 6,000. Austral.i firsl ex{h>rte«.i wo>l to England in 1811. Theam »untwas 167tb. Now it is a good d«*al over 3.000,U00'.b yearly, w >rlh more tha;i £11,000,000.'
The greatest depth of oc-fan yet sounded 5s 46-55 fathom8 off the north-east coast of Japan. One of 4,575 haa been laken south of tbe Madrones in Ihe Pacific. Banāna jatce is said to make an admirable inde)ib!e ink, in the case of fruit thoroughljr deciyed of a br:gbt eannine co!our. Appendicitts, the meUieal t«rm fur iofiammatioo of a amail intestinal ap;>endix. the use of wbich no one has been ab!e to di»c>Ter, haa heeome eo eomieun tbat phy«ieiane are adrccating iu rereK>ral from all infaots as s prereatat:re measure, like neeinalion. A dogs' Uilor £our ehea in Pari». Tbis Uilor is a w >mao, aod in ber reception rooms Prince B>«-wow has rugs, wacer buwl», aod biscuit jars to refresh him dunng bU lrytog on pr>jcess>.‘.~. Hcr-# ar« tbe daiutie8t «ater>colour book« to ehooee from, aod anytbing from Malakin lo ehamoi* ie providcd.