Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 13 January 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Iru?nrance ]S otices IN8UBAN CE FIRE & MARINE The U ndkh.*ioxed is authorizod to take h ire and Manne Risks on Buikling*, Merchandise. Cariroes, Freis:hts aiul Commissions, «U Current lhites in the following Companies, viz: Roynl Insurance Co • - - Liverpool AlHanee Assurance Fire # Marine, - Lonāon WUhelma of Mad$ehur<s Genl. Iffa. Co. Sun Insurance Co. f - ~ San Frnncisco .1. S. WALKEK, Agcnt for Hawaiian Islar^s Fire, Lifc & KIarlne -t;-INSURANCEif-HAKTFORD FIRE INSU11ANCE C0., Asscts, $7,109,825.49 LONDON LAKCHASHIRE F1KE INS. C0., Assets, $4,317,052.00 TUAMES MERSEY MAKIKE 1KS. C0., Assets, $6,124,057,00 NKW YORK LIFE IKS. CO., Assets, $137,499,198.^9 C. O. BERGER, General Agent for Hawaiian Islands, Honolulh, H. I. Telephones : Eesidence : Bell 351. Muiaal 410. Mutual 417. P.O. Box ll 7 . E. B. THOMAS, rr % Contractor Builder Estimates Oiven 011 AAl Kinds 0F BR1(K, IR0N, W£ WOOGEN B11LD1NGS All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade # Attended to. KEEPS FOR SALE: Brick, Lime. Cem4nt, Iron Stune Pipe and Fittings,' 01d * Kew Corrugated Iron, Minion Tiles, Qoam' Ti!e6, assort«d sutes aml colors; C*li(omia and Monterey Sand, Granite Cnrl>ing and Blocks, etc.. etc. OFFICE YARD: ( Corncr King €i Smith Sts. • Officc Hours, 8 to xa M., ( xto4P. M.