Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 13 January 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
G-xea.t S*ciccess 0F Walcot’s Combination Pocket Knifc j AT THE I YoIvoliama Bazaar. Price, 50 CENTS ONLY. A Limited Member Left. POUND MASFKK\s NOT.CE. Kotice is lieret>y giveu to aIl V persoas, that there is at the Government Pouud at Makiki, 1 sorrel tilly, brand (79) indes- ! cribable. Any person or persons owning this horse are reqnested to oome and take the same ou or before 12 o’eloek noon of SATURDAV, Jan. 27, 1894. JAMES KUK.ONA. Ponnd Master. Makiki, J«n. 9, 1894. Tiie Yokohama Bazaar. Cokneb Nuuanp and Hotei. Sts. i 1 HAS JCST APPROPRIATED A novelty cjns.stmj; of a Maglc Pocket Knife. i This knife CJnt»ins the tisua! 1 bladeg, a glass-catter that will cnt easier i than a diamond 20,000 feet of glass. it will also be fjund aseful for a |>aDer ’ Dattern cntter; it lns also a hallanee i that will weigh ane-lhmi: np to 12 lbs. 1 THIS \VA» THri GRE\TE<T >UCCESS OF TUE WORLD’> FAIR. , We have «n!r a li nited n>jmber. To« inventor has kind'y otTered h ; s services > by showing the pnrchasers the way of asing this wonderfal knife on } SATURDAY JAN. 13th. PRICE. ONLY 50CENTS. 3o84-2t F uruislied Cotta£j0 TO LET AeoMPL n ELV FUKN1SHED OOTTAGE on Lililu St. opf»>sne Knakmi St. five mmutes walk frocu lom Cars, cxmtiiuing - Parior, 2 beiirooms, dining roota. p»atTT, kitcben and bathraom w:th pot-water-eloeek etc. Suid prvm:ses wili be !et to a m.xicrate nenUl. Poeset»ion given immcdiktelv, applv at TUIS OFFICE. Jaa 9—tl. W0 GHAN & Co. 1 Merchant Tailor 3 3 t King street, Ihomaa’ Block, next door to Holomna o£ce. All Suits Guaranteed d to Fit, and >• IN THE LATEST STYLE. S Clotbes leieaneil aod Rep*ired. no2T