Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 13 Ianuali 1894 — For Sunset City. [ARTICLE]
For Sunset City.
i Tbe pieasing and artistie Tiical- j ists tbe Misses Albn, bare finally decided to leave for the Golden Gate as their presence is tberej, reqnire»l amid the other «ttrac-! tions of tbe Midwinter Fair. at | Sunset City. at tbe end of Febro* i arv. Tbey wīll leave by tbe Aastralia. Feb. 3rd. Tbeir geniai manager, Mr. M. L. M. Plonkett, bad intended and mucb desired; to retorn to tbe Colon;es to at- > tend to pressing basiness but bis presence was demandtd as a necessity by the Misses Alua and Mr. Plankett will accompany tbe ladies to the Coast. on tbe same steamer.