Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 13 January 1894 — National Band Concert. [ARTICLE]

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National Band Concert.

The instrumeutal concert given by the Hawaiian Natioual Bund at the Hawaiian Hotel ou Thursday eveuing last, \vas a grand success iu overy particular. The weather was truly Huwuiian; air eool, wind light, sky unclouded. An Orieutal cast of churacter was given the entertainraent by the locution of the bandsmēn in the beautiful bandstaud whieh ornaments the grouuds aml the many colorcd incandescent lights added interest to the occasion. The varions pieces were well pcrfonue<l many of them being encored. Over three thousaud |>eoplo were on the gronnds and even mauy prominent P. G ’s ackuowledged thai, ‘ music hath i>ower to sootb the savage breast and grace<1 the perfonuance with theii presence.