Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 13 Ianuali 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

NOTICE. Mb. J. W. Luncso is now tha Advertiaing Agent and Solicitor for the Hawaii Holomua. His receipt will be henceforward sufficient for any surus owing to onr paper. K1GGER : and : STEVEDORE ESTIMATES AND COXTRACTS ON ALL KINDS OF WORK. Ofhce: With Wr>«ht Bros., : Fori. otreet. dec 16-tf Charles Hawkins, ROYAL HAWAIIAN HOTEL, Has taken charge o{ tbe business i of Gus. A. Macst, during his absence to the Coast. Ton*sorial Artists. i Ladies’ Shampooeng a Specialty. jan 9-lw Qoeen Street, Betweeu Alakea & Richard Sts. Iton Brass, Bronzc. Zinc, Tin and Lead Casliag#. AIso a G«neral Eepair Shop for Steam Eagines, Bioe ililk, Corn Mdls, Water Wheel», Wind MilU, etc. Machin« for the CWing ot Coflec, Castor OUa, Beans, Bamie, Si«.i PineappU. Leares k other Pibrons Plant 3 , And Paper Stock Alio Maehinee for Eitracting SUrch fro« the \Unioc, Arrov Boot, etc. tST AU Ord«ra prompdy attended to. WHITE, RITMAN CO. WM. DAYIES, T l ! E ."p®™ prepm d , 0 I make rJi kinds of