Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 13 Ianuali 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
NOTICE. Mb. J. W. Luncso is now tha Advertiaing Agent and Solicitor for the Hawaii Holomua. His receipt will be henceforward sufficient for any surus owing to onr paper. K1GGER : and : STEVEDORE ESTIMATES AND COXTRACTS ON ALL KINDS OF WORK. Ofhce: With Wr>«ht Bros., : Fori. otreet. dec 16-tf Charles Hawkins, ROYAL HAWAIIAN HOTEL, Has taken charge o{ tbe business i of Gus. A. Macst, during his absence to the Coast. Ton*sorial Artists. i Ladies’ Shampooeng a Specialty. jan 9-lw Qoeen Street, Betweeu Alakea & Richard Sts. Iton Brass, Bronzc. Zinc, Tin and Lead Casliag#. AIso a G«neral Eepair Shop for Steam Eagines, Bioe ililk, Corn Mdls, Water Wheel», Wind MilU, etc. Machin« for the CWing ot Coflec, Castor OUa, Beans, Bamie, Si«.i PineappU. Leares k other Pibrons Plant 3 , And Paper Stock Alio Maehinee for Eitracting SUrch fro« the \Unioc, Arrov Boot, etc. tST AU Ord«ra prompdy attended to. WHITE, RITMAN CO. WM. DAYIES, T l ! E ."p®™ prepm d , 0 I make rJi kinds of