Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 12 January 1894 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Per U. S S. Monowai Prom the Colonios. Dates to Dec. 30th. — The l'nion Steamship ; Co’s steamer Mooowaī . Captain Carey. «rrved in port fh’s morning 1d.»> - 14 hours frcm Aucklaud N; Z; she brings New Zealand dates to the 30th ult. ioclusive. From Purser Penwiek is learned j that the vessel encountered head winds from Simoa to port. Ail was quiet at S;»moa. Following are the more interesting of the foreign news items; Melbonrne, December 29 The Alest, a stearoer of 500 tons, ruuning under the agency < ( Messrs. Hudart, Parker and Co . w »s wreckevl to-day ott Jubilee Point, on the back be »ch of Sorreuto. a watering plaee on Port Phillip Bav. All the officers and erew are snpposed to be drowned. Borlin, December 28. It appeursthat owi»»g to quarrels with the Duchse> duriug their travels tbe Archduke Otto, of Saxony, attempted to commit suieide by shootiug himself with a revolver. Auckland, N. Z., Dec. 29. L'ho Goveruraent otl*er a bonus of 10s per gross for the manufacture of 750 gross of gl.«ss bottles made iu tho colony at prices ranging from l6s per gross for half pints, and 22s 6d for soda water bottles. Constantinople, Deceuiber 29. i The Albaniaris are raobilising with the iuteution of attacking Montenegro. The latter has appealed to Tnrkey for assistance. Capetown, December 28. Offieial reports state that there are grave fears that Captains Wilson and Burrows’ parties have all been killed. London, Deceraber 29. In tbe House of Comraons Mr. Rigby, i Solicitor Geueral, replying to a i questiou in reforence to the status : of the Duke of Saxe Coburg (Prince Alfred) as Sovereign Prince, said he did not owe allegiance to the Qneen of England. Paris, December 28. Tbe I Freuch Naval Office has demand-1 I ed a list of private bouses and factories occupied by foreigners along the sea-coast iu order to prevent espionage. Capetown, Deceraber 28. The ! outpot of gold for tho year frora the 13randt mine in Johannesburg j | was a million and a-half onnces. London, December 28. Mr. Audley Coote, M. L. C., for Tas mania, and representative in Australia of the Societe Francais de Teleg»-aphe Sousmarines states tbat a syudicate is ready to lay a fresh Pi»cific cable. Sydney, December 29 The most severe westerlv gales expe’ perienced for years are r.»ging aloug the coast. aud inland the weather is bitterly cold, and suow is falling on the Bluo Mountiins and other parts of the countrv. New York, December 28. Mr. Carnegie has promised a donation of £1000 for eaeh working day iu January and Februarv in aid of tbe fund for the relief of the Pittsburg poor. Tangier, Deceraber 28. Two Ieading chiefs of Ititfo have surrendered to General Camphas. The Snltan of Morocco will decide upon their ultimate fate. j Hio de Juneir o, December 28. i It is reported that tbe Presideut is forcibly detaining tbe Portugnese Minister at the capital. New York. December 28. Mr. W. T. Stead, addressing a mee;- | ing of ladies in Chicago, said the wealthy and selfish women of the auJience were worse tlian prostitutes, a remark whieh provoked great uproar. New York, December 29. The dtficit in the Chicago City treasury amouots to three million dollars. LonJon, December 29. Owing j to the short adjonrnment of the I House of Commons for the Curistmas holiday, the opposi- | tion will stonewali the progress of Government b»isineas. The Daily Chronicle says the entire sitting is a grim jeal, and that the members are langhing in Mr. GJavlstone’s face. Loadoc, December 27. At a , eonfercuco of Anarcbists. held in I London, it was resolved that deai perate measuros aie cocessarv in

order to convince capitahsts tb«t j the working classes mast be treated with niore consideratiou. j London. December 28. Mr. . Sanfonl Fleming has arranged for another meeting wxth 8ir Charles Tupper respecting the grantof an Imi>erial subsidy towards the laying of the Pacific cable. London, December 27. Mr. Gladstone says he does not intend dnring the preseut aessiou to Iegislate in the direction of reduc- j ing the term of Farliament. Washington, December 28. Senator Chandler suggests that the Unitevl 8tates should invite representatives of various nations to a fresh monet »ry confereuce. The Kight Rev. H. J. C. Har|vr, till recently Bishop of Christcluirch. and Priraate of New Zealand, vlied to-d »y. Lomlou, Deceraber 17. The Queen will start for Florence on M«rch 22nJ. She will remaiu tl»ere oue month. anvl theu proceed to Saxe-Coburg. where Her Majestv will stay a week. Lomlon December 27. It is anaonnced that the Adiuiralty has decided to strengthen the 15ritish squadron and make it stronger thau it bas been vluring any previous period ot peaee. AueklanU, N. Z . December30. A vonug man named Fred. H ir- . risou, a bric layer. with others. conspirevl agaiust a man nameil j Johnson, with such result that they have skipped for Honolulu , \vbere they are uow locatevl nn- • der the surveillauce of ihepoliee.