Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 12 January 1894 — A Decayed Product. [ARTICLE]
A Decayed Product.
īf anything \vere lacking to sustain Comraissioner Blount’s ; arnignineut of ex-Minister Stevens for his contemptible and disj houonhle meddling with Hawai- | ian ntfairs. it is s«pplie<l by the st itement m»de by Stevens him self and given to the pnblic through yestenlay’s newspapers. The jK)sition ass«med by Stevens is ineapahle of defense aud it is apparent why his acts were disclaimed at onee bv Secretary Foster. Steveus appears to be a dec*yed produci of rauk provincialisra. actu<*ted by a grotestjne couceit whieh he assumes to be patriot;sm, aud an impndent deI sire to the islaads. the religion and costoms of the people. to an aeeonlanee with the narrow and bigoted ideas with w hieh he is endowed and whieh be complaeently thinks are tbe frni | tion of christian civiliz.ition. Steven8 should have been the iast man ou earth to entrust with the delicate daties of dip!omacy. ii —La Granije Lkm.