Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 12 Ianuali 1894 — Stary Thoughts. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Stary Thoughts.

i To tho victorsbolong tl>o spoils. '(Gen’l Jack on). To tho tbieves belong the swug. j ( Hawaiia n Mis$ionary). Stolen gooJs nre uot wanted here. (UndeSam). | S (anel) B (ag) Dole loves and . roveres ‘free American iustitntions” while he establislxes an oligarchy, the raore infaraous twin-sister of a clespotic or absolute Monarchy. The 1*. G. and their braves : hold bravely ou to positions, ! ; salaries, and grub and intend to stick to it likethe tick ou the dog. , The missionary fraternity in Hawaii-uei is a oalamity worse than leprosy for the Hawaiiana. (C. C. Morcno.) The Hawaiian Provisional 1 Governmenfs Agent at Washing- ' tou bearing the high-soundiug title of “ envoy extraonlinary and j Ministcr Plenipoienliary' ’ is atthe i same tirao a travelling aheuman raanaging shows hula-dancing etc. The diplomatic corps of the world is iuvited to look at the picture. j Tlxe popularity of the “very best government Hawaii ever had” is clearh r showu by tho | sand bag fortificatious aod ean nons surronnding the goverument seat—behind whieh the alleged ‘ best govermueut keep thems?lves entrenched. Stella Smith is a good reprosontativo of the “carpet-baggers” and scalliwags who infested the S?utheru States “after the war” was over. Americans say: ‘‘ Xo taxaliod u-ilhoui represenlation.’’ Dole says: that the leili of his hr>vea is the only earthly authority be recognizes. The tax-payers please j take uotice. What is a tax payer good for? To pay his taxes and keep his raouth shut. ( Provi-*ional doctrine ) Plato.