Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 12 January 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Bv thf. de«th ol Fraak Pr*tt. • tbe Hawaiian?» bave lost anotber j o( tbeir m 't (aiihlul fri»*r.»iTbe decej.seJ who had resideil j for nearly balf a cenrary iu thi» | coui.trv wa? h man wbo. to tbe . fallest estent. posisessed lbe eon* ! fidence of tbe whole community foreipners and Hawaiians ahke. In tbe ditforent occnpations in wbicb Le engaged during bis lonp residence, he always sncceeded in makinp frirnds. AUhonph he covered b s uatural k;ndness of beartundera somewbat bru*'jue manner, everybody wbo kuew him or evorvbody wbo needed liim soon learned to know t.iis sterlinp qnalities. Mr. I r.itt was married but leaves no children. We exteild onr beartfelt sym patby to tbe bereaved widow in her p'oat sorrow. Tlie anneialion papersara eontinnall\ speakinp abont“tbe litb of January as tbe Hawaiian Iadependence day. A more absard t<rm could bardly be used for tbe day on whieh a teinj)orarv "ovcrnraeut was 6stablisbed for tbe j)iirpose of sacrificing tbe indoj)ondenc® of tbe country and puake Hawaii-nei a dependency of tbe United St.ttes. The excnses for Uie revolt, tbe reasous j>ruffered hv Jobn L. Stovens for raeddling with tbe matter. aro tliat the object was to annex to tbe United btates, and tbereby, efface our country from a plaee amonp indepeudent natious, aml at tbo same time deprive a free peoplo of selfgoverument and civil rights. If tho day on whieh tlio era of tyrauuy and an o!igarchy was initiated is to bo called an Iudej>endeuce day by men wbo elaim boing Americans aud voicing Americau sentimeuts, tbe good people shonld select another nnine for tbe Ath of July and stop eallinp that day, tbe Americau Iudep6ndenco day. It is no wouder that there is so mueh dissatisfaction among the members of tbo anuexation club ovor tho j>rojiosition made to tbera tbat tbey iuust sbouldcr a gun, aud fire on tbo Amenean tlag. The objeet of tlie annexatiou c!ub was to further tbe scbeme (>f anuexation to the United States, and all persons who joined tho club, understood thnt .-ueh was tbe platform of tbe orgunization. Tliey wcro told of tbe advantiges to tbem, aml to tbe country, if Hawaii could l>e admitted to the Uuion, everytbing was painted iu tbe most roseate colors, and America, aud all American institutious were iauded to tho skies in the inost exaggerated terms. And wbat do tbey see now? Tbey fiiul that because tbe representatives of the great majority of that people to whieh they desired to be nnne\od deem it unadvisable undor the circumstances to graut the reijuest tbat tbe charactor and virtues formerly exj>ounded by tho leaders of tbe clnb as belonging to Americaus. have undergone a pn>at ehanpe. and tbat it is now in onler to aim and sboot at tho tlap under whieh, tbey, a sbort »bi!e apo. were praying te Ih> admitted. Verily.tbe ineonsistency of tbe petty war\l politic.ans who direct the movements of the club is being well illustrat©\1 every day ; yes, every hour. Tho “Ad\ertiser is continaing its iu>ulting refiections un Minuter H illi». We feel perfectly surethat tbeKej>reseutative of tbe V uited States j>ays no attention to tbe weak ebullitious of wmlli to whieh the disappointed an nexation organ gives vcnt, but we shonld ccnsider tt th« duty of the Minister of Foreigu Atiairs. if we bave auy. to eheek the seiui ofilci«l journal in it* v u:-e. TLo poverument e.a: rt»t »»ur«l tbat whatever th< party feelings may be to-day ix ihe United Statea ali Ameiieaoi

—~ — will stand united in rc>enling ) any deliberate insult against tiie j j ho*lder of an office in whieh is ( i embodied the digaity. not of a | ’ sing!e pcr*~n or a «ing’e party. ( bnt of the whole of the l nit<nl , Stutes of America. — Bv ali means let tbe P. G. * oelebrate the l«th of January. I ft w.ll be the first and last jnb:lee tb<»t tbe patriots wi!l (iave. Mr. Y(.‘Ung had tbe good -ense to sngge»t tbat the eele bration was ratber premature. He evidently thougbt it possible j that the Manpoea nrght eome in tbe fol!owiug morning with some verv startliug uews whieh vron!d plaee the celebrating braves in a ratber ridicu!oo» position, anJ i Y «ung ditfer» fi\>m bi< eol ■■ pue Emmelaih in tbe lutter s ambit:ou to be m*de tbe langiiing stock of the community. Let the roekets fiy. the eannou» b «oui, tbe firecrackers >care tbe borses, aud the beer fiow free!y. Comj>ose martial sougs for tbe beroic “drei handert," and | let I>erger make a jubi!ee march. j Let Ihem grasp the pTesent momenl, aud feast, and Jrink, .sbout, aiul sing, and make all the noise theivuucultured throats and lungs ean prodnce, and if. when the feast is at tbe highest, tho bandwriting on the wall , ,ij>pcius, let tbem drown tbeir fear in more beer, and in a strong cbrons Yeil n >u> lu deluge! Rien ne*t «tcre pour un P. G."