Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 12 January 1894 — LOCAL HEWS. [ARTICLE]

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The trara-cnrs are raakingbetter t:me now a daya. Mr. C. W. Ashford bopes to be enabled to retom to Honoiala by tbe Cbina. Tbe report» from the Volcano of Kilaaea indicate continaed > activity in tbe cr«ter. Mr. R. Fenwrick is now the purser of the sto iiner Monowai vice Mr. Keith resigned. The Smith bns route to M aikiki and Sans Soaci is quite an 8ccommodation and is obtaining increased patronage. | The Monowai brought as saloon p«ssengers for this port Mr. and j Mrs. Souland La Monte. Tbey will visit the Volcano. Mr. E. B. Thomas thecontractor. bas workmen engaged in renovating the intorior of the Notre Dame du Paix Cuthedral. The narne.s of Messrs. Thomas Kins, W. C. Peaeoek and O. O * Scholz have been added to the Iist of those taking passage by the “Monowai ' for Sau Fiau- ' cisco. Tho Holomoa ackuowledges receipt of a very uscful record 1 meraorandum, from the hands of Mr. Sam B. Roso the o’oliging aml popular agent of the Mutual Life lns. Co. of New York. ————— Tho hunting partv to the wilds of Koolau and elsewhere, eon- ' sisting of Judge \Vhitiug. Hon. Cecil Brown and ex-Marshal C. B. Wilson returned to town last | evening. They report good sport. Capt. Smith of the Mauna Ala foels proud at the eomplimenl paid his vessol by Captaiu Lyle of the M uiue Railway, who says J tliat tho liues of the vessel are I excellently brought out, and indicate speed. j I , Mrs. Vina King tho colored, womau charged with an attempt j to kuoek out a colored boier named (a£ter tho inimortal Geo.) Washingtop, was remanded eoday, by Judge Robertson of the D.strict Court, for trial at the noxt term of the Supreme Court. Mr. J. L. Kaulukou appeared £or the defeudant. Tue barkontiues Piauter, \\ ilder aud Amelia started froui port here, wilhiu a few hours of eaeh other yesterday afternoou, all bounJ for the Goldeu Gate. There is a strong iuleut ou the part of eaeh eaplaiu to briug his particuiur vessel over to port hrst and there uro mauy dillereut opiuious, locally whieh oue wili be drst. Tbe Piauter has au advocate iu the Holomua. — The goiieral puhlie is recom- j , meuded to mako u eall, to- ! morrow, at tho Yokohama bazar, Robiusou block Hotel street aud i t„ere iuspect a most useful, i haudy, articio m oompaei fonu, ; the iQveutioo ol Mr. l’niuk Walcolt. Tho article is in the shape j of a sportsmau s pocket kmfe aud j coutains ō distiuct usoful articlos uot iho loast of whieh is a g!asscutter,. a cross cut saw, aud a woighiug maehme. Cali aud . exammo tho invoution. , l'heHawaiiau Hardware Co. ; has presonted to the Holoml a an 1 article whieh should fuul plaoe iu evory woll-regulated household, aud that is, oueof WalcoU’s Emorv dles, of Freuoh manufacturo. Ou this baudy liio oae ean j easily and quickly sharpen knives, scissors, shoars, penkuives aud duer instrument&. Bosides its sharpening qualities ! tho fi!o iaay be used to test gold ’ aud thus detoct couuterfeil money. The article will be ou salo, bot for a short time onlv. ! w t 1 r ’ P»rson l>.ivies ssys that Peter d Jackeou will pr»q»are fnr • 6gat t wilh C rbetl aboat wxt Aprd’ ” vhey think tbrre will be aome i plaoe iu wbicb lo bave it ouU