Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 12 January 1894 — Suicide. [ARTICLE]

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Wheu Jiia Q.ieou, tho wellkoown Imek driver returued homo hist night from tbe buud coucert «t the Hotel, he wās un pleasiintly surprised to find that one of his bost horses, whieh ho had left tiod a troo, had eommitted suieido by hanging himself. Whethor tbe liorso folt dospondent ut hoing left at homo when tho Natioual baud was playingorwhetborhotriedt >follow the oxa'nnlo of onr loeal P. G. poliiicians. in attempting to solve the Hawaiian sitaation, will reraain an unsolved mystory. No ronson for tho dt'sporate act eau be advancod oxoopt that the rope was too short. Jim Quinn bemoaus his loss so mueh raore was this was tho third horso whieh he has lost within the last t\vo months, acd ho knows how dithcnlt “n'storation” is.