Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 10, 12 January 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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WM. DAVIES, E1GGER ; and : STEVEDORE ESTIMATES AND CONTBACTS ON ALL KINDS OF WOHK. j OfficE: With Wright Bros., : Fort Street. dec 16-tf Charles Hawkins, ROYAL HAWAIIAN ĪIOĪEL, H;is taken charge cf the business ; of Gus. A. Maueb, during his abj sence to tho Coast. Tonsorial Artists. Ladies' Shampooing a ian 9-1w Iplaiiional Ipon Wop^ Queen Street, j Between Alakea tt Richard Sts. ” The undersigned make rJl kinds of ore prepared to lrtm Brass, Bronze, Zinc, Tin and Lead Castings. Also a General Repair Shop for Steam Enginea, Ric« Milla, Corn MiUs, Water Wheels, Wind MiUs, etc. Machines for the Cleaning of Coffee, Cast >T Oils, Beans, Ramie, Sisal, Pineapple l>aves i other Fibrons Plants, And Paper Stock AUo Maehiuea for Eitracting Starch fron> . the Manioe, Arrow Root, etc. AU Orders promptly attended to. WHITE, RITMAN CO. = — —— ——— - - - I WO GHAN & Co. | Merchant Tailor King stroet. Thomas’ Block, next door to Holomna office. - j AH Sults Guaranteed to Fit, and IN THE LATEST STYLE. Clothes 'Cleaned and Repaired. no27