Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 9, 11 January 1894 — LOGAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Tbo tbigs were freoly flying tc tbe uorth-e«st tradesthismorning ■V\*oathor ploasant. Tho street cleaning contingen of the Governnient is doing ex eelleni appreciable work. • Do not fon;et tho jiorfonnauc( by the Hawaiian National Banc this orening at the Hotel grounda The latest addition to th Monou'oi list are Dr. Boujatnii Friedlauder and Hon. C. . Ash ford. The American. 80-called, Lea gue, shoald not confound th l"th of January with the 17th e March. The influ«u*a has taken its dt parture. Tears are no longer s copiously shed and apeeoh i plainer.

The steamer Monowai from tbe j Colonies for San Fraucisco was | noi toloj)houed as the Holoxva j trent to press. “Dick" Day is still in durance. : His case of embenlement will be : before Judge Robertson on 1 Saturday neit. Mr. Frank Prati, ex-Haw*iian Consul General at San Francisoo. is reported as being in a rery poor atate of health. It is now a settled fact tbat ihe schooner Norma will sail for Fauuing s lsland. She sailed ihia afteruoon having as a passenger Mr. David Greig ouo of tbe owners of the ialaneh

» “A sbark! A j*h»rk'. rov «bekels for a sbark!*' is the cxv of ihe loeal agent of tbe Haw*ii?«a exhibit at tbe Midwinter Fair. The brutal assanlt c«se of tbe “bad man/' Ferreira haa l>een : continned unlil Tne»day of next ( week. Mr. “Billy” Sbeldon tbe former strong *P. G. supporter is reported as having been received ! from farther duty at Kahului Maui. | Mrs. Vina King the hard hitter on the harder head of Geo. Washington will appear to-iuor-row for trial before J udge Robertson. The usual monthly meeting of the Honolulu IceCo.,wras held yesterday afternoon at the office of Mr. T. W. Hobron. The results shown were satisfacton*. The Hawaiian Electric Light Co., hope to have their customers happy, in a flood of light and with ample motor power, this evening. Soccess is wished by the Holomi a. The Honolulu Cricket Club will bold their meeting on the 23rd iust. at the Hotel. A full attendance is desired as the date is made in advance. Law\ er A. L, Carter presented, and carried to a successful issue a civil case, in the Poliee Court vesterdav. Hon. C. W. Ashford j J • was the opposing attorney. The skiff stolen '‘oj: strayed,” from Mr. Fred Harrison, has been cast up, again, by the | water, and is now in the possessiou of the owner. $5 and costs. A well deserved complimeut to a painstakiug artiste woukl be showu by a benefit to Miss Eose Alhu. The suggestion is spontaueous aml has no motive power but that of appreciation. “Spy alley” is the popular appellation giveu the entrance to the rear of the Waikiki side of the Central Union Chnrch, on accouut of i( being the rendezvous for the people of that ilk. Mr. G. F. McLeod hookkeepei of the Metropolitan Moat Market, was married to Miss Virginia Gillilaud, last eveniug, at the residence of Mr. E. Faxon Bishop. His Lordship the Bishof of Panopolis officiated. Korosene oil is now quoted by Chinese dealers, at $3:25 pei caso. Tho prico at whieh “mis sionarv” houses sell, to favorec oustomers, is known and th< information is very usoful, foi future refereuce. Mr. C. Johnson the ehie carpentcr in the employ of tbe I. I S. S. Co, was acc;dentally, and ver baJly, injured this afternoon b; reason of a sliver of timl)er bein| pushed in his groin. Competen att«ndance at the Queen’s Hospita ) bas permitted the removal of th t injured man to his residence. Tbe ntter failure of the Advti tiser as au honest reflex of loea - happeqiugs was most noticeabl j preseuted tbis moruing. Were i f not that tbe Christmas seaso had passed*it would be easil supposable that its writera wei - practisingin writing"fairy’’ tale! o for cbildren. s

1 Our Band. — Music has the power to ioueh i the feelings of those *‘to the manuer born” will be discoursed this this evening by the popular players who coirprise the Hawaiian Naiional Band. The geoeral p»blie, str*ngers as well as old residents, are promised a conoert, a musical ooncert. and shoutd be preeent if they love music. 1. Mtich—“C-oli»!nbuka Oaani {aw)*.. Snob 2. Ow«turē—“Vnilka»T*n" Bo«iu 3 Oonw: S*lo—“l T n Soue* a’ Moaaoo*' BlegeT 4. Se’«cŌoa—"H*waai*n LiWnk» Son<is. 5. Du*tt-‘T Do» Pumhī" «. “The V*l’« lt»c lee^ue" * F«mw 7. Conw»8olo-“Bs)k.o* («»»} Pioten* 8. OMop— “Bulrj«l 3 ’iaew) OoHū» God «««Qa«a. Ponoiu"