Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 9, 11 January 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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. NOTICE. Mr. J. W. Lusixg is now tho Advertising Ageut nnd Solicitor ‘for the Hawaii Holomua. His receipt will be henceforward sufficient for snms owing to our paper. WM. DAVIES, K1GGER : axd : STEVEDORE ESTIMATES AND CONTRACTS ON ALL KINDS OF WORK. Office; With Wright Bros., ; Forl Street. dec 16-tf Charles Hawkins, ROYAL HAWAIIAN HOIEL, Has takeu charge of the business of Gus. A. Mauer, during his absence to the Coast. Tonsorial Artists. Ladies’ Shampooing a Specialty. jan 9-lw POUND MASTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all persons, that there is at the Government Pouud at Makiki, two strayed horso8. 1 white horse, brami indescnbable on the§left hip, feet are shod. 1 gray horee uu-branded. Both are in poor conditions. Any person or pereons owning theee horees are reqnested to eome and take the same on or before 12 o’eloek noou of SATCHDAT, Ianuary 20, 181)4. JAMES KUKONA, Ponnd Master. Makiki, Jan. 9, 1894. fIationaI Ipon WoPip Queen Street, Between Alakea & Richard Sts. THE UNDERSIGNED are prepared to make nll kinds of Iron Brass, Bronze, Zinc, Tin and Lead Castings. Alao t Qeneral IIepair Shop for Steam Engiaes, Rice Milk, Cora Mills, Water WheeU, \Vind Milk, etc. Machines for the Cleaning of Coffee, Caator Oila, Beans, Uamie, Sisal, Pineapple Leaves A otber Fibrons Plaats, And Paper Stock Also Maehinee for Extracting 8tarch frow the Hanioe, Arrow Root, etc. Ail Orders promptly attended to. WHITE, RITMAN CO. . W0 GHAN & Co. Merchant Tailor King street, Thomaa’ Block, oest door to Holomoa office. All Suits Guaran to Flt, anel IN THE LATEST STY Clothes ;Cleaned and Rep no27