Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 8, 10 Ianuali 1894 — The Sober Second Thought. [ARTICLE]
The Sober Second Thought.
In speaking of the Hawaiian question, theFinancialChronicle, a conservative, unbiased, nonpartisan, coramercial and finan- ! eial journal of recognized ability and high standing, makes the following reraatks: ‘ The policy of the U nited States Goverument | I regarding Hawaii, as ontlined in the report to the President by | Secretar} T of State Gresham, has | been harsbly criticised in certain | quarters, a result whieh was no { doubt foreseen and fully ex- I pected. It appears to us tbat the stand whieh it is proposed to : take in the raatter is fully justi- ; fied by the facts of the case, and is in consonance with pereonal honor and nalional dignity. Moreover, we have no hesitation in saying thaf to our mind tbe principle whieh this policv T em- i bodies is the on!y one that ean or shookl be &ccepted for guidance in tbe conduct of our national afta»rs. There is eveiy reason to belieYe that theso utterances are in accord with the sober 8©cond thought of the counirv. Buj}alo Courier.