Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 8, 10 Ianuali 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
THE Proma! Govennmt OFFICIAL LIST 0F MEMBERS AXD L0CATI0N OF BDREACS. KxEcrnv* Cocxcil. 8. B. Dole, Pn>ideas of utt Provisiom', <.Jovernmcnt at the !sUi:d'. an l MlnUter pf Korvhfn AtTiirs, J. A. Mint«ter <>f the lnterior. 8. M. lUmon. MiaMcr of Kinnnee. W. O. 8niiUj. Attorney-GeneraI. Advbort Cocxcil. W. C. lVilder, Vite PresMent of the Ftovt.slonal Uovcrnmcnt of the Hawailan IsUn.ls C. Bolte, Cwil Brown, John Nott, Joha Ena, Jame» E. Morean. Ed. 8 hr. Joe. P. Mcndonca. Ch.is. T. Rodgcrs. eouuella. Jobn Emme’.mh, E. I>. Tcnac\. W. F. Allen. Henry Watcrhouw, A. Toonc, F. M. Hatch, Sjjcretary Ex. and AJv. STPK£ME Cocrt. Hon. A. F. Jndii. Chlrf Iustioe. Hon. R. F. Bickerton, Flrst Asaoctate Justice. Hon. W, F. Frc.ir. 8ei > ond Aasoci«te Ju»ticc. Hcnrr 8mith. ehiei CIerk. Gco. Luo ». I>eputy Clcrk. C. F. Peterson.SiH- ad Dcputy Clerk. J. Waiter Jones. Slcnographer. CiRcrix JrDGEs. Fi«tCircnlt: J* Second Circuit: (Maui) A. X. Kepoikai. Th'rdand FourthClreuU,i: (ilawaii)8. l„Au<tiu Flfth Circait: LKauai) J. Uardy. OtSccs and Court-room in Conrt Hons“, King strcet. 8!tling in Honolulu—The first Monday in Fehruary, May, .\ugust aud Ncvember. DEPAItTMKXT OP F0RC1GX AFFVIRS. •Mliee In C«pitol But’di'g. K!ng strect. H ls Exeelleucy 8auford 11. Do.e. i iiu»ter of Forvign Atfairs. Geo. C. Potter, Secret ry. W. Horacc \Vrtght, luouel Hart, CIerks. Depaktmc.vtof IntcriorOfficc in Exccutive Buiiding, King street. His Excellency J. A. King, Mlnistcr of Interior. Chtef Clcrk. Joh,i A. ff«v nger. Assistajt ClcrkR; Jair.cs H. Boyd, M. K. Keohokalole. Sicphen Mahaulu, Gcorge C. Ross, Edwurd S. Boyd. BCRCxr OP AvlRU'CLTVRC a.vd Fork?try. Pres;dent: His Excellency the Minlstcr of InlerJor. Wm. G lrw'in, Ailan Herbcrt, John Kna. J.«oph Mar-J n, Coiumissloucr and Secretary. % Chikfs of BCRKxrs, Interior Dcpartiient. Snrvoyor-Gcneral, W. D. Alexander. Supt. Publ e Works, W. E. Koaeli. 8upt. Water W >rk.«. Amirew Brown. ln»pcctor, E!ectrlc UghU, Joha < jsai ly. Kcgistrar *.f C uvevanccs, T. G. Thrum. K.md SupcrrLsor. ll nolu.u, W. II Cummi'igs. Chicf Fngin«er Fire Dept„ Ja». H. Hunt. »upt. lusauc Asytum, l'r. A. McWayne. Drpartmcnt or F«x*xcc. 0(Bce, £xecutive Building, Kiug »trcct, > ini»ter o( Einanee, His Excclleacy S, M. Damou. Auditor-Gcneral. Georg*> J. Kegiilrar of Aeeonnu. W. O. Ashley. Clerk of Elnmnee uffice, K. A. Mcinerny. Coliector-Gcner*l of <'u»tom, J»a. B. Cā»tle. Tax Asscssor, Oihu, J >na. So w. Dcputy Tax Asses»»r. W. C. Wcedon. p u »tmastcr-Ueneral, J. Mort Oat, CrstOMS BCRE4C. Officc, Cu»tom Hou«c. EspUnade. Fort streel. CoUector-GeneraI, JB. C«stle. I>cputy-Co ector F. B. Mc8t cker. HaiiMrmaster,Oaplaln A. Fuller. Port »urveyor. M. x Sand>.-rs. Storekecper, George C, r>tpatcmeyer. DCPaRTM£NT OP ATTORXCY-G*XKMiU Offlcc !n Exeoutiv* Buildinf. King »trcet. Attorney-General, W. O. Smitb. I*cpuly AttorneT.GcncraI, 0. K. Wilder. Clcrk. J. M. Ke». ManOiai. E. O. HKehooek. CKrkxo M»r»hal. U- M. Doar. IV>puW Manhai. Arthur M. Brown. Jallor Oahu Prison. J. A. Low. Piiaon Phj sicixn, Dr. C. B. Ooo(wr. Bouuu> or bncoRxrtox. Pr»ai*!ent, Hl* Exeellesev J. \. Kio j. Memb«r of thc B>«rd of immnmii m: Mou. J. B. Atherton. J«- H. C«Mle, H-m. A. 8. C.t-gh ru, iuae» G. Spcoeer, Mark P. R u hios >n. ?eereury, W«y Taykw. Box29 op IIxxltb. Officc in grour<b of Court Bonse Baiidiasf. comeraf Muil.anl aa.l <Juc«Q stre«ta. Mcmbers: Dr. Dar. Dr. Mla-r. Dr. Aa.tre». J. T. Waurh.xue Jr., Joha Eoa. Theo. V. Lanaiag «9d A:tom-v ■ S<s!U>. Pre*ietenl—Hon. W. o «saish. 8ee»et»ry—Cha*. W k«x Exeestiv« OtBcer—C. B. Sersoid*. la»pectoc * ;d Macagrro( Garha«c 8cr»ke— L. L Lm Plem. lospertor-G. W. C. Jooea. • Port Physktarf. Dr, G. B. Aadrwr*. M*pr-xmar, Dr. M. W. Howa.-l Uj« 8clicmcdt. ltr.SL.tL uU\*r. BOxRJ> o» Sl»CCxTTOM. Cocr! Uoc*a Buildlas, Klng street. prnddrni. C R. Wahop. secret*ry. *. Jia-e» Saaita. InapeeUE ol sv. >>>ix, A. T. AlĀAUiem. Dtmscr Coeat. P «See ?uaoo BaCd£ag. M*rehaat *sr«et, A. ū. M. Kohenaoa. Ma«l»tra$«, i Aaea K Ihompaoa, Cwa