Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 8, 10 January 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
» l Counols meeting to morrow. Hon. W. H. Oomwell bas retorned home. >’o Bosrd of ICes!th meeting thi« aflernoon; no busine«s.Plenty of tick in the Royalist catnp9 but only to approved eounle nances. - Hon. F. H. Hayselden ex- j Sheriff of Maui is in town. The Supreme Court has adjourned uutil March next. Weather still uncertain, wind fn3m all poinle; sky overcast, — Mr. W. M. Graham was married to Miss Augusta Berger last evening. i The Monowai is due from the j South to*morrow. Don’t be late with letters. — The electric light eo. hope to i soon have the improved plant in | working order. — Don’t forget the Nalional Band concert at tbe Hotel grounds tomorrow evening. Star contributors now correspond from the “KeeP’ side, most of them are there or sbould be. The Japanese “Students” haye been released from Quarantine surveillance, as also the Cbineso. The Associated Press correspondent is bemoaning b id faithon the part of tha Government, newsoaocgyers. Thanks are tendered to Secretary Frauk Yida of the Union Feed Co, for memos. of the corporation. Candidates for the expocted appraisorship are becoming very nnraerous, eveu the gontler sex j trying for a plaee in the swim. I Revival raoetiags are now being held under the auspices of the A. B. C. F. M. at Queen Emma Hall. Attendance small. Wonder how the llalers and Nations feel aftor correspoudent’s Bishop's prayer this raonring. Haven’t jheard anything drop | y®E Bookod for the Monowai: Jos. Hyman, C. H. AYaters and wife, jJ. C. Miethelson and wife, J. K. Smith. Miss Emma Smith, T. J McLaughlm, wife and three childrou and Miss K. Mooro. It is said tbat another politioal storm is brewing, Messiuers the President, tho Marshal, the eom-raander.in-cbief, with the rank etc. and others have been in close consnltatiou within tbe last twenty-fonr hours. ...V Sharks are worth moqey to day, especially those abont 10 feet in { iength, alive, and uninjnred, Mr. Hobron the loeal agent o( the . Hawaiian £xhibit at tue Mid- . winter Fair offers $75.00 cash for | oue caged aud boxed. — : — The Sxamhter correspondent has proveii bonest in his report |by giving full publicity abroad to the expose, by the .Holo5CTa of the dastanily dynamita ploi. Harry Jnen’s statement appears in full in Eastern papers. “Dick” Day an anient annex- ! ationist has displayed h>s proolivities by attaching himself io roy«listic eoin whieh did noi belong to him. He is now “playing checkers wiih his nose’‘ nnder a pharge ol emhealemeni. Tbe ‘'typos” have ekc4ed as officers of their organixation: R. E. McC*in, president; J. J. Grec-nei 6ecretaiy; Hatry iimilh, Tioasucer, £. A. Heywani, Tice-presideni £*ecaiive oommiliee— A. C. Btoele. ehairman; Frank L»ke aud A. Knhia.