Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 8, 10 Ianuali 1894 — IN IT. [ARTICLE]
— Successful Bidders for Provisional Pap. Tho Board of Health bave held j eounoil und havo awarded to the undor-incntioned lirmsthopeimis-! siontosupply the varionsbranches j ovor whioh it holds oontrol the various artioles set opposite said . firms namos. lt will be notioed that no pricos are attachod for i tho supposod reason that the | sellers believe that, as usual. the Qovernment are their best cus* tomers aud consequently in tbo words of other autocrats, espoially the multi-millionaire Vanderbilt; tko puhlio be —hanged. FoIlowiug is a list of the snccesaful bidders; Wilder <V Co, nor’ west lumber. battens, tonguetl A grooved. K. W. shingles, surfaced, battens. fence posts, doors, wiudow sash 10*1$ -liiUJ. T. Waterhouse, iron cut nails hubbucks boited oil, turpentinc, no. 1 sugar. H. Hackfeld k Co. Hubbuck s white lead, cement, linje, galva. iron roofing, screws and washers>, No. 1 rice, G. G. flour. E. O. Hall «fc Son. long card maiehoa, coarse salt, kerosene oil. Jas. A. Hopper, galv irou pipe |in. Jin. M. W. McChesneyASons. r«d aalmon. J. F. Morgan, medium bread. Maofarlane A Co. Brown soap. i Hustace & Co. D. B. Coal in I eaeke. Uuion Fcc-*1 Co , Stable Sup plies. Baled wheat or oat hay bran, No. 1 Californid oat, Now Zealand oat M. W. McChesney A Sous, Farcbaae o( hides, hi'dee, Uliow.