Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 8, 10 January 1894 — Where the Dolls Come From. [ARTICLE]

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Where the Dolls Come From.

In the little town of Souneberg, in Thuringia, twenty-five million doz&n dolls are made every year, eaeh one of tbe twelve thousand inhabitants of the plaee being in the business. Tbe children on their way to eehool eall for or de- i liver work; the shoemaker makes the tiny shoes; the barber workson the dolls wigs; the butcher aelle suet to thfe dolls’ glueraaker: tbe tailor and searastress sell “pieeea” to the djlls’ dressmaker, and so on through the whole list of tradespeople. FiveI«rgefirmscontrol ihe 1 business and, through these, sales are annual!y made in America to the amount of $12,000,000. But * this vast amount of business is far from pleaaing or profitable to tbe poor meehaniea who work at the trade. A girl w&o goea into the factory at the age of fourteen re ceives 75 cents a week, and ten years Iater considers herself fortnnate if she attains tbe maximum of l $2 50, and the man wbo receivea a do.iar a day for making dolIs eyes , 15 8aid to be an object of envy. A | fam?ly ean on!y live when all of its i me*uWrs work, and, as might sop- I A posed, they are miserably clothed I *nd insufficiently fed.