Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 9 Ianuali 1894 — Help For the Needy. [ARTICLE]
Help For the Needy.
si ■ ■ It seems trom the signs in the skv tbat the holv mia&ionanea | have sent abro*d for another of the —gnild io retnru to Ha waii, and and sit at the feast of planty, fnrnished by the dear people { whom the holy missionaries aforesaid profess to love so well. This time it appears to be a brieflcss barrister of the family * compact, who needs looking after, and the “breth’ring'’ here are • detennined to play their part. What does it matter that Mr. I # W. Armstrong has no residence, no faraily, no property in Hawaii? Is he not “one of us?” and is he not down at the heeis, and in need of a salary? I Can any farther qnalification be called ?or, in case there shonld j be a ministerial position to dis- ; j pose of? By all means send for the rest of the stan ing mission- | aries who have stranded on foreign shores, bring them back, and billet them on the loug snffering taxpayers of Hawaii. We seldom agree with the Star, —bnt we’re a unit on this matter.