Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 9 Ianuali 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
Onthe quiet. CougrHtulations. Woathor uuoertaiu; sky over oiist; streots muddy. • w . • *‘Tomorrow,” says Captain Walkor of thedopartiug schoouer Noruia. Mr. W. M. Graham and Miss Augusta Borger propose to be married this oveniug. The Holomia acknowledgos receipt of “Hawaiian Taritt ” at tho hauds of Hou. M. Damon. Don't forget the Natiou.il Baud Coneert at the Hawaiiau Hotol on Thursday evening uext Four now pieces. The schoouer Trausit brought dates to the 27th inst. There was uot muoh additioual uews; pothiug Hawaiiau. The Marsh&l's De{>artmeut has obtaiued a full aet of the Holoa aud alao snbscribed for a . year iu advauce. Well? — Tho cougregjtion of Ceniral Uniou Church will bave au opportuuity io induige in praver duriug this comiug week.
| Tbff P. G. Band plaved at Eman 8qoare laāt even:ng. There was no rain. neither was ihere a crowd of listeners. — i Char!es Hawkins presents him* self io ihe pablic as a competent tonsorial artist. at the Hawaiian Hotel, in tjie plaee of the absent I Gas Uaaer. — The late»t news from China, is that one Perev Ganliner and ; ardent anuexationist, formerly . ■ well known in this commnnity, is . endeavoring to enlist laborers for plantations on Hawaii. | ! The “Advertiser” iscoming in- j to the fold. It now prints Queen with a cjpital Q. The coarse of the paj>er is so erratic that it is j presumaMe it will soon seperate • j its now capped P. G. with a iower case i. From the amouut of matter already forwarded and also from the interest maintained by Mr. T. W. nobron, the loeal agent j iu the obtainiug of Hawaiian i material for exhibition at the 1 Midwinter Fair the prospects are j that even old residents mav visit , * j with pleasare and profit the Ha- : waiian Exhibit at Sunset City. A yonng man, here under a : cloud, is reportedas having made himself over oflicious in his endeavor to obtain all of the papers by the Transit and thus debar j other newspaper men from news. j The Captaiu administered a well- : merited rebuke and the Holomua ! will be more personal aud posi- j tive if a like future occasion ! senes. A gambling dispute iu Portuguese town last evening resulted ; in another record for the Ferroira family. This time a younger 1 member of tho 11 bad ” family hud a dispute over cards and beiug loser waxed wrath and kicked tho wiunor, another Portugueso, iu the gsoin. The iujury givou is regardod as seriuus aud iuay rosnlt iu a second record of “killing’ ? for the family. J The following members were last evening, installed as the officei*s of Harmony Lodge I. O. O. F.: D. P. Lawrence, P. G. Albert Lucas. N. G. Geo. A. Turuer, V. G. C. F. Herrick, Secretary. J. A. Magoon, Treasnrer. J. Schleif. Waiden. J.J. McDonald, Conductor. F. J. Wilhelm, P. G., R. S. N. G. D. T. Bailey, L. S. N. G. L. H. Dee, P. G., R. S. V. G. M. D. Monsaratt, P. D. G. D. S., L. S. V. G. J. E. Westbrook, R. S. S. H. E. Gares, L. S. S. F. J. Turner; I. G. J. G. Lorenzen, P. G. ehaplaiu.