Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 9 January 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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A d vertisements Li. H. DEE JOBBEJR 0F Wines, Spirits, & Beers. HOTEL ST., between Fort and Betbel streets. HoIiday Prcscnts Tbe ondersigned beg leave to eall the attentiou to a large assortmeut of tasteful ami elegant Jewelry. soitable for Christmas Presents. Hawaiiaii i 1 las: l J i ns in ditferent sizes. — Hawaiian J ewelry i a specialtv. If you want to bny an olegant and at the same time an inexpensivo Christmas Present, eall aroond and inspect my stock. THOS. L1NI> SAY, Mcln<»rny B!ock, Fort St.IIonolnla decl tf Sans Sonci HDTEL WAIKIKI, HONOLULU. First-C/ass A eeommooations for Tourists and /s/and Guests. SUPER!0R BATH!NG FACILITIES. Private Cottages for Fami/ieS. T. A. SIMPSON, oct9 Manager. KW0BG S1NG CH0NG 4 00. % Corrtra,ctor <3z ZB’uilld.er <fcc. We also keep on hand Bedsteads. Mattrasses. Tables, Bookcases. MlRR0RS, Etc„ AT ĪHE LOWEST MARKET PR!CES No. 216 Kingst.. Honolulu jSToticeTbe Fish Pond of Mannalua on tif5s Island. is pr»vate property. aml any person found withm the imits of the pond for auy purposo «rill be prosocuted. By order YIT LEE. de27 lv