Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 9 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
THE Provisional Gorernneiit OFFICIAL LIST 0F MEMBERS AXD LOCATION OF BCREAUS. EiEcmvi Cocncil. S. B. Dole. Pres:J«!at of Prv>rision*l Gorernment of Ihe HHwaiiia Ishtads. an l M:uīster of Foreian Affairs, J. A. kine. MinU>ler <>f the Iuterior. S, M. Dam.>n. MlnUter of Piuanee. W. O. Smitb, Attōrney-Oeneral. Ax>visoky Coocil. W. 0. WiUler, Vloe- Presl.lent of the Provi»ion»l Govemmeiit of the Hawaiiau Um>K C. Bolte, John Emmeiulh. Oeeil Brown, E. P. Tenuey, John Nott, W. F. Allen. John Ena, Heury W*terhouse, James F. Mor£an, A. Youna. Kd. S hr, F. M. Ua'.eh. Jos. P. Meodonoa. Chas. T. Hodgers, SecreUry Ex. «nd Adv. eounell». Stpbeme Cockt. Uon. A. F. Jndd, Chief Tust!ee. Hon. K. F. Biekertou, First Awoeiaie Justioe. Ilon. W. F. Frear, Seeond Asaotiate Justlce. Ht'nry Sinitb, Cbief Clerk. Geo. Lue s, Deputy C!erk. C. F. Petcrson,Sec 'iid Deputy Clerk. J. W«lter Joucs, Stenograpber. ClKCCIT JCDGSS. Fint Circuit: O.hn Second Circuitr (Maui) A. S. Kenoikai. Th:rdand Fourth Circu:ta: (Ha« āii)S. L.Austin Fifth Circuit: iKauai) J. Uardy. 0(8ces and Court-room ia Coort House. King street. Sittlng in Honolulu—The first Mouday in February, May, August «nd Nu' euiber. Depaktxent or Poeeiun Affaiks. Offioe lu Capitol Bu!Idi'>g, K!ng street. Hi» Excelleccy Sauford B. Do e, Mlniater of Forelgu Affalrs. Geo. C, Potler, Secret»ry. W. Uorace Wright, Liouel Han, Cierks. Dkpartment or Iniekiok Office in Exeeutive Buliding, Klng street. HLs Excellency J. A. Kins, Mlnister of Interlor. Chlef Clerk, Jr.ha A. Uass nger. AssGta.it Cierks; James H. Bo'd, V. K. K«-oho-kaiole. Ste’>heu Mahaulu, GeOTgc C. Hoe--. £dward S. Boyd. Hcri.au of Agricultcre ani> Forestrt. Presi>lent: His Excellency the Mtni»tcr o( Intertor. Wm. G Irwin, Ailan Herhert. John Kua, J >seph Mar>den, Commisslou>.T «nd secrctary. Chiefs or Bcreau.s, Interi»r Defartiient. Surveyor-Gener«l, W. D. AIexmdvr. Supt. Puhl e Works. W. E. Kowell. Supt. W«ter W<>rk», Amlrew Brown. lnspector, Electrlc Lights. Jolm <’as*idy. Registrar »( C >uvevam>>«. T. O. Throm. Roa>l Supervl»or. II noluln. W. If. Oummhp. Chlef Eugin«er Fire Dept., J«s. H. Hunt. Supt. luaaue Asylum, Dr. A. McW«yue. Departkent or Finance. Office. Ex*cutlve Buildlug, Cing stxeet, Mlnf.«ter of Kiuanee, His Exce’leacy S. M. Damon. Auditor-Gener*', George J. Ro»s. Regi«trar of Aocounts, W. G. Asbiey. Clerk of K'inanee Office. E. A. Mclnerny. Col:ector-(iener*l of Cu»tom, J.<s. B. Caat1e. Tax Aseesso., Oahu, J >n< Sh-w. Deputy Tax A*sess.'r, W. C. Weedoa. Pvstmaster-G«neral, J. Mort Oat, ( USTOJts BCRBAC. Office, Cu?tom House. E»planade. Fort »treet. Collecto--G«ner«’, J«. B. Caatle. V, D«p rty Co< ,ect-jr F. B. Mcst->cker. Harho'nuaster, eapiain A. Ful!er. Port Surveyor, M. s 8«nd“r». Slorekeepcr, Oeorg« C. Stratemeyer. D E rA«T IIENT OF ATToaNAT-GENE«AL. Office in Executiva Bullding. Kiag *treet. Attoroey-Gener»l, W. O. Sraiti> Deputy Attorney.GeneraL G. K. WUder. Cierk. J. M. Ke^. Marsōai. E. O. Hltchc*>ck. Clerk o Mamhal. H. M. Dow. Deputy Mar»ōai. Artbnr M. Drown. Jat«or Hahu Prison. J. A. Low. Prlion Pbysician. Dr. C. B. Cooper. Boarx> or inwunanoN. PresHent. II» ExeeUeeer J. A. K!nx. Meu>Ncr o< Ihe Uoardof ImmunwU >u: Uon. J. B. Athertoo. J»«- 4. Ca»tle. Hon. AS, v L«a rn, Jam«s G. Speneer, Mark P. KakhMn Seeretary. Wray T»ylor. Boars or HraLTK. Ofllce lu *ro:md» cf Court Hooae BoUdiag. >ra«c o< Mul'aai and S|aeen eiwii. Memters Dr. Day. Dr Mlner. Dr. Amlrew». I. T WateriMKue /r . J«hn Kna. Theo. f. Lan»o« and Attortiey «ieoer*l S«sltU. Pre»uleot-«ion. W O S«nllh. , Seeretnry—Cka*>. W.leuE. Exceutive OSt*r-C. B. KeaaoMa. lu»pecfc.r a «d Maua«er A «#arta>ge Servtce—U L LiPiene. Io»f«ti»-0. W. C. loeee. Pt-rt Phyvadan. Dr.G. B. Andrew», Utsprn*ary. Dr. «. W. Howanl Lcpcr MUuūL Dr. t K. <Xlver. Bo«no o» Kwr«untt» C<mrt Haew 8atidin*. King *lr*et Prvskfcnl, H«s. C. E-! Sectet»ry. W. J«*ae» laapeet-r «X SchusK>» A. T. AlAluaon. Pwnm Com ruUre Statk>o Boi:dlcg. Meiehaai A.Ū. M. aokwneon. M «*t«tr*ie. JnBM* A. eWHh