Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 9 Ianuali 1894 — PHORCED PHORAGING [ARTICLE]
Successful Raids by General Scissors. The man who is trusting in God don’t have to look into his poket* booh to see ivhether he ougbt to be happy or noi. Ck>nvin*.'« some women that it wi’.I make them better k»okiug. and they will a!most be willing to starve to dealh. The blindeet people are thoee who never find out that lhey eanuot be happy in their own way. There ien’t a poor mau in the world who woukl carry a miliionaire’s load for the pay he gets. Whenever the devil haa ten miuutes to spare he uses it to set more traps for the children. There are so many people who thiuk that other people’a eyes nced doctoring bccause they oan’t see straight themselves! It is as bad to covcr up Ihe bliud eye iu a horse trade as it is to rob a man afler you have knockcd him down with a sandbag. One reason why leme people read the Dibie so liUle is because it tells them so many thiugs they don’t want to know about themselvcs. Jacob saw the angels passing up and dowu the ladder, but he didn’t see them taking anybody to beaven with them. It takes meu to do that. Some of the people who are the most anxious about the recognition of friends in heaven are Ihe ones who shake hands w:th two fingcrs in church. Tbere two kinds of unhappy people in the world —lhose who are sad because they are not known, and those who are miserable beeauee they areknown too well. The devil knows men too well to be scen with a long face. You can’t keep people l’rom wanting water by throwing stones at Ihe pump. It never makea an unruly boy feel a bit like repenting to tell him with a whip in your hand that he is bad. The devil would soon have to run if he couldn't raanage to make the L)rd’s troops now and then fire into one another. The man who tries to be Ihe of a Christian that everybody wānts him to be will heeome very weary in the limbs before he geta to heaveo. One thing ean l>e said in favor of Nancy Hanks—if she ia fast, she doesn’t appear oa the street wilh her brother’a susiienders on. The New York Ledger sUtea lhat aoted writer» are to be »ent on a voysge around the world to di»cover literary material for dee* criptive storie» and romanxic fiction based on ihe iivea and sccnes of foreign laoda visited. iullian Hawthorne is to lead the expedition, and be will iake ao ‘ artist, a gpologi»l, a naturali»t and a conchologist. A 8chooner, to be named the Sargauo, will be char- . tered, and wiil aail frooa Sew \ ork , during Januaxy. P. t ■■ — .1 | - W. S. LUCE Wine anel Spirit Merchant ('ampUll Fie€~prwf Block, j MRRi;Ha\T ST. HONOLULU