Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 9 Ianuali 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
A d verti»ementā? NOTICE. Mb. J. W. Lrxi>o is no» th» AdTertising Agent sn<i Solicitor for tbo Hawaii Holohi'a. His receipt will be honcefonrard sn£cient for any snms owing to oor paper. GHAS. GIRDLER, ■; Impoilei* and Commis5iou :i Mercinuit. SPECIALTIE5: J. i P. CoUs' Maehine Th»td Jous Brocfcs' ilneiuae ThrcaJ Barbours Linea Tliwad Pears* Soap P. O. Box 35S. Muiuil TeIephoae 356 13 iLuhuu&nu Stn*et. LEWIS & C0. Wholesa!e and Retaii Grocers AXD PROYISION DEALERS. r ! _ FRESR CAUFORNIA SiLM0S 0S ICE By Every 8an Fraucisco Steamer. Salt Salmox ix Babbels I A Specialty. iii Fort St,, Honolulu. Tel. 240 , P. O. Box 297. Long ; Branch BATHING Establishment. • This Fii-st-class Bathing Kesort has been enlargetl and is now open to the puhlie. It is the 1 best plaee on the islands to enjoy 1 a bath and there is no better plaee to lay off. Special aeeommodatious for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every hf!f hourand on Saturdays and Sundays every 1 fifteen miuutes. 1 O. J. SH£RWOOD Proprietor. |fationBl iPon \VoifIp 1 Qr £ex Stbeet, * Between Alakea <t Richard Sts. " I THE UXr>ERSIGXED me pwp«iwd to m*fce .-Ul kir. Js oi Iron Bron2c, Zir.c, Tin aad Lead C&stiBgs. Afc» • Oenenii Rcpoir Sbop for Stenm Ea^ina*. Eioe Milk. Cora Milla, Wau?r WheeU, Wiud Kilk, etc. MLiehinee for ihe Cienning of Coff*. Cn»tor OOs« Benna, lUmie, Si«d, Pinenppie Le»Te» A osher Fībron< PlanU. Aad Pep«r Stock Alao M»chiae» ioz Extnetiag SUrch trom tbe Mnnioe, Anow Boot, ete. tST Ail Orders ptomptly ntt«nded lo. WHITE, RITMAN « CO. I ; Merchant street sidevalks are i receiving attention and will be | paved with granite hloeka; Mr. C. B. IVight will plaee one poriion of tuo new pavementsacd Mr. Joha Bowler anotfaer portion.