Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 9 Ianuali 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Charles Hawkms, ROTAL HAWAIIAN HOIEL, Has taken charge of the businesa of Gcs. A. Maieb, doring his absence to the Coast. Tossoeial Aktists. Ladies' Shaxpooi\g a Specialty. jan 9-lw S5.GO Rewaixl. A Lady’s GOLD WATCH. Key WindiBg, lost between Nunann, King. fiethel and Merchant ; Streets. The reward wili be j given to ihe finder by retnrninc jto the Holomua office. jan.3-lwd Furnished Cottage to LET AT WAiKIKI. A oompletelr furnish*:d cottage at Waikiki, cfose to Tram Cara. Cottage eontain$ parlor, 2 bediooms, diniog room, pantry aud kitchen, oat~booses. etc. Said premises wiil be let to a desirable i tenaut at % motlora(e ronlal, ; poses&)OB $iren immediately. Applt at this OfPICL 1 jan 4-1 wd