Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 7, 9 Ianuali 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Charles Hawkms, ROTAL HAWAIIAN HOIEL, Has taken charge of the businesa of Gcs. A. Maieb, doring his absence to the Coast. Tossoeial Aktists. Ladies' Shaxpooi\g a Specialty. jan 9-lw S5.GO Rewaixl. A Lady’s GOLD WATCH. Key WindiBg, lost between Nunann, King. fiethel and Merchant ; Streets. The reward wili be j given to ihe finder by retnrninc jto the Holomua office. jan.3-lwd Furnished Cottage to LET AT WAiKIKI. A oompletelr furnish*:d cottage at Waikiki, cfose to Tram Cara. Cottage eontain$ parlor, 2 bediooms, diniog room, pantry aud kitchen, oat~booses. etc. Said premises wiil be let to a desirable i tenaut at % motlora(e ronlal, ; poses&)OB $iren immediately. Applt at this OfPICL 1 jan 4-1 wd