Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 06, 8 Ianuali 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Oeneral A.dvertisements * T48T P1W1CT COJSTHT UHE 0F SCHOOKERS —Amjle 0wrtni!y fir AlL I Owing to oor const*ntlv increosing bnainesH ind the great demand of an appreciating corainuuitv. we have eonclnded to offer an opportanitv to ali parties having capital. Our LINE of SCH(X)NERS raav l>e seen gliding over the BAR fiileKl to their nimoai carrying eapaeiU with elear I eool aud invigorating Fred r:^ bur9 1LAOEE BEEE At the “Anehoi* Saloon." To accommodate onr Vast Fleet of Schooner«v we have bnilt a fine large Refrigerator regar«lless of coat. f8 the only plaee where a Cool Glass of Fretlerickabnrg Beer on draught ean be had in Honolniu. Step forward gentlemen. NOW'H the Tirae. ocl4 3m NOTlCE. The nndersigned has receiv©t1 froin the Eastern States The Largest Single Order of Billiard Material ever imported to the IslHuds. ltcouciude« aa follows Clotb, 3 grades; Cues, asssorted; Cnshions, [by Block, patentj; Billiard Balls. Composition and lvoiy Pool. -Tips, Chalk ; Pocket Cnstings with leathers, aud friuge complete; Pocket nettings. fringe and leathers, Rubbor covers; Conrt Plaster. green and black New style ehalk lioiders; Triangles; Shake balls and leaMiei- bottle«; Pool pins; Markers. etc., etc. The above go<Kls have iieen purclmsed at reduced rates, and the undersigned is now prepared to do anv and all kinds of BILLIARD TABLE WOKK at reasonable rates \vitb dispatch. Also new and ae<‘ond hand Billiard and Pool T»bles for Snle. Flease apply to J. P. BOWEN, Perrv Block, Hoiel St. Honolnln H* E. S( Bf^o, 1MP0RTERH ANT> DEALEKS IN Qrooeries, Provisions & Feed EAHT CORNER FORT A KINO ST8 NEW GOODS RECEIVED By every Paekel frora the Eastern States and Europe Frean Ca)ifornia Prodnce by every st«eaiuer. AU Orders faithfuily attended to, and G<hk1s deti\xred to any part of the City—Fr©e of Ch»rge. Island Orders aoiicited. Hatiafaction guaranteed. Pom Optic£ Box No. 145. T*lephoN£ No. 91.