Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 06, 8 January 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Insuraiice I**sotices INSURANOE FIRE & MARINE Thi; U m»ek-sh«nei» authonzed to take Firr an<i Manne Risk8 011 Buil<liuar.s, \Wr*cliandise. H ulls, Cai*Lroes, Krei<rhts and Commissions, f'urrt*nt Hat<-s in the follo\ving Cotnpanies, viz; >/ - w -* v Koyal lnsurance Co■ •- - Liverpool ALhianoe As.su ntnce Fire Marine, - London 11 'Hheimn of Mod$ehur$ (ien’l. īns. Co. Suri Insuran('e Co., - - Sun Frnncisco .1. S. WALKEH, A#cnt tor Hawaiian lslands Fire, Iiife & Marine HAKTK0H1> KIKE INSHRANCE CO., Assets, 87,109.825.49 LONUON LANCI1ASH1KK K1RE INS. 00., Assets, 84,317,052.00 THAMKS MKKSKV MAKINE 1NS. CO.. Assets, 86,124,057.00 NKW YORK INS. CO„ Assets, 8137,499,198.99 O. O. HERGER. General Aijent for Hawaiian lslands, Honolulu, H. I. Tf.lephones : Hell 351. Mntnnl 417. Residexcf. : Mniual 410. P.O. Box 1 V E. B. THOMAS, Contractor d Builder K.Ntiinates Given on All tviuds OF UKU'k. H. W i HWiĒN ĒHUIK AU Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade # Attended to. KF.EPS KOH SALE; Briek. lime, C«ment, 1 rou Stone Pipe ind Fittinga, OKl a Ne» Corrug«ted Iron, Minlon TUm, Til««, as«orte<il siae« and colors; C.<iifomia aml Monterey Sand. Oranite Cnrbing and Bloeks, etc. ©tc. ( Corncr King d\ Smith Sta. OJ* HCK €\ YARD : ■, Offict Hours, 8 to ia II ( i to 4 P. M.