Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 06, 8 January 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I t Advertisements NOTICE. M&. J. W. Lrsixr, is now the j Adrertisiug Agent »nd Solicitor 1 1 for the Hawjlh Holomua. His i receipi will be hencefonr»rd safficient for anv snms owing to our paper CHAS. GIRDLER, l īmporter anel Commission r, . Menhant. 8PBTIALTI1S; J. .t P. Lo*ts Mtcbinf Tlunii Joiuk> Brooks' Maehi&« Tbra*<1 Lioen Th*vtMt Pe*rs' Sc« r i P. O. Boi 358. Mu«ua] Telepho&« 356 13 K**haai*9a 8trart. [ LEWIS i C0. Whoiesale and Retail 6rocers f AXD PROVlSLO.N DEALERS. FRESR CAUF0RN1A 8ALM0N ON ICE By Erery 8*& Francwc<) St«Hiuer. Salt Salmon ln Bakrelk . I I a Specialty. iii Fort Si., Honolulu. Tel. 240 , P. O. Box 297. i Long 7~ 9 ' - —• Brancli BATHING Establishment. TbisFirst-class Batbmg Resort has been enlarged and is now open to the public. It is the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath and there is uo better ■ plaee to lay otf. Special aeeomi raodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door eveiy- half bour and on Saturdays aud Snndays e\ery fifteen minutes. I • O. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. plaliiūnal Ii*on Wop^ Ql£EX Street, Betweeu Alakea A Kiehanl -St». THE UKnER8IUNEI> nt prap*ra<) lo make ril kimi. of f Iron Bnws. Bronze, Ztnc, Tin au l Le«d C«s4inx>. Ai*o • j Rep*ir 8faop lor Ste*m EngbM*. Kie* MilK Cora Mslk. W*t«r WheeU, \Vind MilU. ,lc. Mv1udm for ihe of CoOvc, Ca*tor Oik, Ba*mt, iUmi*. Sia*), Piae*pp)c Lmtc* k otb«r P>bruo< P1»*ts. Aml P*p«r Stock Ako Maehinek for £xtr*cti&x St*refa frow lh« M*ntoc, Am* «tc, ty AI2 (M«n piompel* «MmmM to. I 1 WHITE. RITMAN d\ CO. .Verchant street sidewa)ks are receiving nttention »ml wili be paved wilh granite hloelu; Mr. C. B. Dwigfat will plaee une poiiiou nf the uew pavera©Qts aud | Mr. John Bow|er another $ poiiiou.