Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 06, 8 Ianuali 1894 — Republican Inconsistency. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Republican Inconsistency.

This Hawaii.-u) Htfair iievelope« tbe fact tii4t oar Repablio«n friemi9 are extremeiy anxioas that tbe Whites sboaid role oo tbht far aw.iv iaiaml even thougb tbey «re only »ii>out one to five of tbe |K>pa)ation. Let us see. whai has beeu the record of tbat cla&« of our frieo>ls iu reg»rtl lo «| While iuho'» goveruiuent in oor own Suatheru »tes? Why is thera such a wholes»ie conversion aml 8o satMeu!y? lf oar reeol!eetion «erres o» oar Grtndp» Hoar haa aiways b**en very emphaiio in gtviog Ihe hl«cks of the South the gnvernmei)t, if (hey were in ihe majorilv ami strenaoasly insisl«d apoa the piasage o{ th« ,, force hili ' to «id Ihem. Wby thi* saddtMi oh»agt* of heiri tovard« Hawaii' Meaniime p<*liiioa ts pol)t.<» PHt*6Mry j