Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 06, 8 January 1894 — TRUST, NOT OEAD. The Credit Business Abroad. [ARTICLE]
TRUST, NOT OEAD. The Credit Business Abroad.
lu France a four months‘ aeceptance is reqnired to be sent in settlement of the invo:ce. In Italy but 1 ittle eredit bnsiuess is doue, aud uone without good security beiug given. In Cnb:i the time fixed for pavment is from four to five montbs after the deliverv of tbe goods. In the Bermudas accounta nre settled but onee a year. June 30th is the day usually fixed for the payments. In England a payment of the price of goods delivered is required at the cnd of three months, dating from the day of shipment. In Austra)ia it is scarcely possible to do busiuess without allowing a loug credit, whieh is nsually one to sii raonths. In Spain four-fifths of the transactions are done on a cash basis, while in Portugal great liberality is shown and quite a long credit is generally allowed. In Turkey even objects of prime necessity are sold on credit, and in that country, as well as in Russia the time ailowed in most cases is twelve months. In Meiieo the lai-ge commereial honses willinglv give credit from sii to eight raonths. and in roal estate trade long terras are given customers in whieh to set tle aocounts. In Canada s«ttlements are tnade at the eud of thīrty days with a disconnt of five |>er cent. Soraetimes a credit of from three to six months is allow©d, but in thi» case thore is no discount. In Chiua it is not custoraary to give crerbt. Money is obtaiued from leaders, wh> exact an int©rest of from 8to 12 |>et cent. Business is nearly al ways’ eonducted upon a cash basis.— Journnl oj īk>mmfrce.