Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 06, 8 Ianuali 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

lo L«BT. Tbree FI KN1SHED ROOM« k> LET on Lihba 8treet, Honolulo H. 1. Rent moderate- ** AUU» jan 8-1 w P(H\SD MASTER’S NOTI€E. Sotice » he»by to «U ‘.f* S tb«re » »t the (iovenun«nt Poand at Ma kiki. 1 good white m*i* ble on right hip and on the nght adt> vi t « w Jr 4nv oerson or persons owning this mane. » £°» “ te oSvS**“ orbefore!2 o’ckvk noon of SATl KUAi. Unn«ry*. I«* j A MES KUKONA. Pound Mastei Makiki. fan. 5. I>^L <85.00 Reward. A Lady's (»OLD WATCH. Kev Winding, lost betweea Nuniinn. King. Bethel and Mercbant StreeUt. The reward will be giveu to the bnder bv retnrniug to the HoLOMUa office. jan.3-lwd Furnlshed Cottage to LET AT WAIKIKI. A completelv faruished eottage at Waikiki, olW to Tram Cars. Cuttage contains parlor, 2 bedro<3uis. diuiug room. pantry and kitchen, out-houses, ete. Said premises will be let to a desirable tenant at a moderate rental. posession given immedi»tely. Apply at this ()ffice. jan 4-1 wd The Anuual Meeting of the HONOLULUCRICKET CLUB, will be held at the Hawaiiau Hotel, ou WEDNESDAY. the 10th inst. at 7 o’eloek p.m. H L. AUERBACH. Secretarv. lt-d. Wl. DAVIES, RlGOER : and ; STEVEDORE ESTIMATES AND CONTRACTS ON ALL KINDS OF WOKK. Office: With Wright Bros., : Fort Str«et. dec 16-tf W. S. LUCE Wine and Spirit Merchant i C<impheit Fire-proof Hloek, MEKCHANT ST. HONOLULU Chas. T. O-ullek notary public For the lslaud of Oahu. I : Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Iiftbor CoutraoLs. ' I Agent to Orarit Maniage Lieenses, Honolnlu, Oahu. Agent for the Haw’n lalamla «f Pitt & 8cott’8 Freight ānd Pf*.rcels Express. Agent for the Burliugton Houie. I k"'\' ' * r '-- **• ’* V ' - — : M Estale Broker aud Geaeral km\ Bell Tel. 348; Mut. Tel. 139 ; P. O. Box 415. OFPlCE: No 38 MEBCHANT Street, Honolnln, H. I. WO GHAN & Co. | Merchant Tailor King »treet. Thom.s next door to Holonina olKee. Al! Suits Guaranteed to Fit, and IM THE LATEST STYLR Ololhea |Cleaued and Repaired, co27