Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 6 January 1894 — A Polyglot Institution. [ARTICLE]

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A Polyglot Institution.

The e*tiiuHble Cornellita who is respont«ible for the abusive i »ttampts at sare«siu whieh feebly 9ciotiilate iu the editorial eol uuioa of the Stargives tbe followiug hs the resuitof “au Amoneau u\sitlence of thirtv -tliree year8, ’j (he doesn t say whether fromj baby-hood or m»t), in gathering facte as t*» Uie nature and iuuelionh of ihe l'mted States Guvernment: “The Amenoan executive exoeeded his leg«t privileges and spoke. therefore. not for the United States Govern meaC bnt for one-thiid of that iustitution. ' (The italics 1 are onrs). ln ike “bappy by-gone days" ihe h«lf-baked Hen mm nsed to term the Holomca wiih the most opprobrioos epiUiei at hia eomnand, a * 1 polyg!ot akeei Wherefore «hall we leani wiadom at the

feet of Gottingeo Hon-nery or | Corse)l Smith? *‘lJnd«r whieh Kmg. Bezonian' Po8»ibW the | SUr jester did not mean any op- '\ ■ probrium to tbe ū- S. Gorern- ; ment aod wished fco aay —but that ; bis rocabo!ary wa» defectire — poIvgonal, in the sens€ of multi-1 lateral or roany-sided. Is tbis the evolotion? Possibly this • | “5000-mil«s-away decision ’ that i tbe U. S. GoTernment is a “polyglot institotion’' and actually exists without a “Head as tbis j mixer of roetaphors manages to make oot will not trouble tbe U. ( S. GoTernment or its esteemed President and Head. Grover €leveland.