Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 6 January 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
- — Business Cards G. W. liCFiBLiNE & C0„ Import€PS and Ccmmissioit ]\Iepchants, Honolalu, - Hawaiian lslands THOMAS LINDSAY Mannfaeturiny J»v*ler arui Watchviaker. MoIu«m»y Block, 406 Port St,. Honoium. HARR1S0N BROS.. t£T rOKTEA(TOB8 AND BUILDBR8, 208 Fort St., Honolnlu. MEBCHANT’S EXCHANGE, S. I. SHAW, Propriktor. CHOICE LIQUORS ' and EINE BEER . Corner of King and Nunann StH., Mutual Tel. 423. Honoluln, BRUCE & A. J. CARTWRICHT Haainuw of a Fūln«&ry Natur« Trau<iart«d. Pronipl att4Mition given to the mauagenient of Eatates, OnanliauHhipe, Tmsts. etc.. eto., etc. Offices. : Cartwright Building, Merchant Street. Honolnln. PACIFIC 8AL00N. Corner King aml Nnnann Street«. 1 EDW. W0LTFR . Manatjer. The Finent «eleolion of LIQUOR8 aiui BEKR, sold anvvhere in t)us tovn. Fir8t-claus attendence. Eall and jndge 1 for yourself. no 80-tf. .1 “FAT B0Y.“ ? - ■ BAY H0RSE 8AL00N I P. McINERNY, Proprikto*, , Fine Liquors, Winee and Bear. < Corver Bkthei. asi> Hotkl 8t*i. Kmpire Saloom JAMES OLDS. PRnpkimroK. Fioe Wine& Liquoi% Beef, ALWAVS on hand. t omer Nunann aad Holel SUrxHe Bell Telephon<* 381. Po«t t >Sce Kn'3S. W.W. WRIGHTASON l < lS ALL 1ts Bft:AMrRRK. Hor8esboeIng A SPECtALTY. T» «0 Kiog tt, Vottol«i«